My DD has very dry skin every where except her botton which is baby soft and so far creams issued by doctor have made her worse, dirpobase, double base and aqueous. Thought problem was teeting but changing mind.
DD was breastfed with small amounts of formula, when I think back the 1st growth spurt where she got more formula was approx the same time as first 2 teeth (4.5) months and also first skin problem. This cleared up but i think i cut back on the formula and we were 95% breast again. I then started back to work in Dec where she received 2 feeds per day from formula for three weeks, and I reduced the breast until 1st week in Jan when I stopped when she was 6.5 months. Her skin has had problems since the 23rd of December. Doctor a bit dismissive about it , taking DH with me Monday coming, Health visitor has finally said she will contact the dietitian about this. Also last Sunday when she had a yogurt her chin went really red a couple of hours later and we had to use hydrocortisone cream on it and it calmed back down. The only dairy so far has been formula and yogurt a couple of times. Have used hydrocortisone cream for 5 days skin was looking great, stopped for 2 and it regressed started again today.
Looking for opinions from anyone about this issue, as this really upsets her sleep.
Thanks Wendy