Author Topic: naps all over the place, waking up at 4-5am as well...HEEELP please!  (Read 644 times)

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Offline ShellyNathanTaylor

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not sure if this is the right board but I figured I'd give it a shot as we're struggling with naps and early wakings now!! And I apologize in advance because this turned out a bit long!!!

My DS is 5 months 1 week old today.  Up until about 2 weeks ago, we we're on a pretty good routine, napping 1 hr 30 mins x2 and 1 45 min nap... bedtime at 7pm, waking at 6-7am. 

Everything has good totally wacky over the past couple weeks and I feel like we're spiralling out of control and I'm not sure how to get back on track. 

Before we went off track our day looked like this

A 6-7am
E 7am
S 8am

A 9:30

A 1:00
E 2:30-3pm
S 3pm

A 4-4:30

E 6:30-7
S 7pm ish

His morning wake time has been getting earlier and earlier, today he was up at 4am!! And his naps are all over the place now... somedays he sleeps for 45 mins, others 2 1/2 to 3hrs - on these long nap days he just seems so tired that I've let him keep sleeping. 

It doesnt seem to matter how much sleep he gets from his naps as he still tends to wake early, 3 long naps or short naps or a combo of the both, no matter what he's wakings are rarly later than 6am.  The problem is he is still tired at that time, yawning, almost falls back asleep but in the long run it doesnt work and we're up.  Normally he can tolerate 2hrs of A time but the earlier he's up the shorter the A time he can handle. 

We've fiddled with bedtime as well, 7pm seems to be the best, but it is often earlier if he gets up early in the am. 

I just cant figure out what to do... how can I get back on track? 

 is this just something I should ride?

Should I let him sleep for 2-3hrs if he wants or should i be waking him earlier?  on many naps now he's waking at strange times (I.e. 1hr 10 mins, 1hr 40 mins, etc).  He seems much more fussy and tired lately as well, today for example he was up from 4-5am, then up at 6am to eat,  nap at 8am for 1hr 45 mins but then 1hr 20 mins later he was tired and feel right asleep...

Anyone have any idea whats going on???  Feedback/ideas would be tremendously appreciated!