Hi all,
My name is emma and my daughter millie is 7.5 months. Firstly i have had allergies my whole life, i had chronic excema from about 6 months to age 13, i have allergic rhinitis pretty badly and am intolerant of soft fruits (strawberry, cherry, plum etc). Millie was okay til about 4.5 months when she started sleeping really badly and then got 2 patches of excema on either cheek which spread across her scalp. her sleeping reached the point where she was up 2-3 hrs every night about 3am screaming and also with bad wind. Went to the docs who were NO help at all, suggested i put vaseline on her skin and said it couldn't possibly be a food allergy so not to cut anything out of mine/her diet (she is breastfed).
I ignored the docs and cut dairy/wheat/eggs/berries/tomatoes/nuts/onions&garlic/beef/pork/shellfish out of my diet, she started to get a bit better at night and her skin cleared up loads. Went on a dinner night out last week and ate all sorts of bad things and th enext night her skin got so bad that she scratched til it bled. i felt awful but at least i know its def food allergies, right??
I just dunno what to do now - she's been having flare ups the last few days on and off and i'm not sure why. i ate some rye bread but had eaten a rye cake before with no bad effect. also had some asparagus and courgette. I think the cake was yeast free but the bread wasn't - could it be yeast.
tbh - i feel pretty stressed out, i can hardly eat anythin at the mo, and don't know where to start with adding things back into my diet. should i just add one thing at at time, for 1 day, more?? I have an appointment with a child nutritionist next week who i am hoping can help us, but in the manwhile, any adviec would be welcome...
emma x