Hey Stacey, I wanted to let you know we are prop free! No more bottles or swaddles! The key was giving him 2 naps again so that he wasn't so OT at bedtime. Once we did that, we easily ditched all props. It's still touch and go - getting in both naps on some days is hard, depending on our activities - but, if we plan it right he sleeps thru the night, or is able to put himself back to sleep when he wakes up. Very proud of him! And I'm also proud of DH - he was good about not resorting to the props even when he worried LO wouldn't go back to sleep (DH kindly is on baby duty until 3 am so that I can get some uninterupted sleep each night).
Just wanted to thank you for all your help. We knew the props were a problem, but it's so hard to let go of those crutches! Even when we KNEW they weren't working, the unknown was so scary. We are now on the other side, and happily making progress. We now use his swaddle blanket as a lovey. He rubs his face in it when he's sleepy, and puts it over his eyes as he's trying to fall asleep. VERY cute!

I call it my "sleep-detector" b/c the length of time he rubs his face in it tells me how tired he is!

I'm so very glad you and the others here are having success beating those early morning wakeups. It sure is easier to be a toddler mommy when everyone is well rested!