There is no making you jealous here today. Major regression.
She woke crying in the night, I don't know what time, then she self settled. Then again at 3, self settled. Then again sometime, self settled. Then again at 5, didnt' self settle, so I went in, she calmed, when i tried to leave she started crying - HARD. I ended up taking her to bed, giving her some panadol until she was lovely and calm, and putting her back in her cot. That lasted 1/2 hr, then I gave up, got her up, fed her, and we will have to have two naps today.
Overtired, or teeth? I know the teeth are moving, her top eye teeth are now only about 1-2ml above the gumline, I can feel them from the front of the gum, they are slowly moving down...
Sigh. Tomorrow will be better I am sure.