I will get my lads
That's so funny, Nathan used to call his little beaney Winnie the pooh characters 'his boys'!!!
Alex sleeps with, Winnie the pooh, tigger, Nathy's lumpy, piglet (oinkoink!, can't say piglet!) eeyore, rabbit, pinkteddy, bigteddy, big sophie and little sophie (dolls) and today she had a new minnie mouse who had to join the bedroom gang. I try to take one out every now and then but she knows and won't sleep without any of them. I move them all to the bottom when she drops off, bt if one falls out during the night, she shouts to me in the morning to let me know and one night, I went in at 2am as she was crying and I said 'ssshh' and she was still laying down, unde the blankets, but said, 'mum, eeyore, down there' and there was eeyore, laying on the floor near the bottom of the cot!!! wierd, how the heck did she know?