We are in a similar boat. . . .
My little guy (almost 9 months) has gone from sleeping nearly 12 hours at night (7 pm to 7 am) to more like 11, and naps haven't gotten longer. Perhaps it's a nine month thing? I've been wondering, too, if it's developmental. Mine's not crawling either, just rolling everywhere. He's also started yelling/screaming at times. Very disturbing!
He seems to alternate between a 1.25 hour nap and a 20-30 minute nap. If he sleeps over an hour, he wakes happy. If less, he's crying and visibly tired. Usually, the longer nap is in the morning. I think he's been getting progressively overtired. I can use pat/shh if the nap starts poorly, but not if he wakes up early. That just turns into 40 minutes of crying for him, and a sore back for me from leaning over the crib.
7 AM (although the last few days this has been 6:30 ish) - wake, BF @ 7
8 AM solids
9:45 nap (was about 1.25 to 1.5 hours; today, 20 mins
, plus 40 of unsuccessful sh/pat)
11 or 11:15 AM FF
12:15 solids
2:00 nap (same as above; usually shorter than AM nap. Today's was an hour, but he woke crying.)
3:00 or on waking later (when the starts align
), FF
5:00 solids
6:15 bath
6:45 BF, had been asleep at
7:00. . . but last three nights, this has been 7:30
I've no real advice. . . Maybe just reassurance that you aren't alone (although my wake up times look a bit easier to deal with. . . Sorry!).