I need some non-biased parties to look at my situation and tell me where to start (or if I'm doing wishful thinking).

DS just turned 2 and has been a touchy sleeper from the start (planets have to be in alignment to have good sleeps). He loves his sleep and used to have higher needs than most children. That seemed to drop off around 16-18 months. I've mainly been having shorter naps. I was kinda in denial, playing with the nap time +/- an hour until I accepted that he's now an average sleeper and a two hour nap is probably about right.
But the last couple months, we have VERY early mornings, 5~6 am (usually 5:30) and it's still dark out. I've had early morning wake up issues randomly over his whole life. Sometimes they've sorted out themselves and he goes back to 6:45~7:00 am, sometimes I did WTS. I usually don't have to go in and he'll happily chat away in his crib until I get him up at 7 am -- but it keeps ME awake too!
I know he's not cold. It's still dark, so no light problems in the room. We just finished teething so that's officially over (have all 20 now).
Naps are currently at 1 pm for about 2 hours and he's down for the night by 7:15 (and VERY tired by then). Moving the bedtime back seemed to make early wakings earlier. But didn't try it consistently.
The WEIRDEST part of this though... We have "quiet time" in his crib at 9 am every day so I can take a shower. This started out with him reading books and playing and has progressed to him asking me to turn off the lights and close the door! And he actually has been falling asleep in there around 9:30 every other day, sleeping for 45-90 minutes for the past two weeks! No sound machine or anything (my once sensitive sleeper, HAH!). He can't possibly make it through till bedtime, so I often give him a catnap about 4 hours after he wakes up and then bedtime is somewhere between 7-8 pm, depending on how late the 2nd nap was.
So I'm not sure where to approach this first. Not let him fall asleep at quiet time? Push back nap or bedtime to end the early wakings? Try WTS again? How much sleep is realistic for this age? All the babies on my birth thread seem to be longer sleepers.
thanks for a new set of eyes...