think you guy's are right, it's not really a problem just thought that as he was now older he should be on a different EASY routine...strange isn't when things are all good you still looking for something to fix
My LO has always been a great napper..only when we missed his grow spurt at 4 months and did not change up a size of nipples on his bottle did he start doing 45 Min's naps as he was hungry but could not be bothered to suck that much..DS is a Spirited/touchy so wants it now but doesn't want to change
I found that by increasing my LO's A time by 5 Min's in the morning he was going to sleep better and for longer....before he just wasn't tried enough.
At the moment we are in week 2 of no wrap and no dummy or paci as others call far so good...we just have to re-settle when he gets himself up to the top of his cot on his tummy and can't yet roll back by himself