Author Topic: pooing in the middle of the night!!! (sorry)  (Read 1291 times)

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Offline finlays mam

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pooing in the middle of the night!!! (sorry)
« on: February 28, 2007, 21:53:08 pm »
Might be the wrong place to post this so feel free to move me!!

my ds is 7 months and on 3 meals day plus 3 bottles and a df.....and still wakes for a night time feed ::) problem is, he keeps filling his nappy in the night, usually a couple of hours after his middle of the night feed....i have tried to cut back on his fruit and veggies during the day and changed the weetabix for porridge but i'm at a loss....any one got any ideas??


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Re: pooing in the middle of the night!!! (sorry)
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2007, 22:30:37 pm »
DS went through a phase like this.  We would just make sure his bum was REALLY coated with Balmex or Desitin that way if he slept for a few hours in it, it would not hurt his bum.

Is it waking him?  It never seemed to bother DS.  ??? ???


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Re: pooing in the middle of the night!!! (sorry)
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2007, 15:38:34 pm »
unfortunately it is waking him...i usually coat his bum before bed but it's the actual 'going' that wakes him ::)!!!

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Re: pooing in the middle of the night!!! (sorry)
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2007, 15:50:34 pm »
Hi F,

Perhaps you should start looking at eliminating the DF ???

Just a thought

Dree  ;)
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Offline finlays mam

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Re: pooing in the middle of the night!!! (sorry)
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2007, 20:17:32 pm »
thanks Dree, but it's the middle of the night feed that he poos after and i did wonder about getting rid of the df but he drains a full 9oz which would suggest he's hungry ??? ??? :-\...i have tried to stop it but he then wakes twice for a feed!!!!

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Re: pooing in the middle of the night!!! (sorry)
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2007, 15:08:09 pm »
Hi F,

Okay how about this then...Increase solids during the day so that he gets all his poohing done during the day.  He is probably poohing due to the 9oz DF bottle. You will have to do this slowly...Start by increasing his daytime bottles by 1oz..You will have to drop 1oz per 2-3 days with his DF bottle until he no longer needs a DF. 

Good Luck
Dree  ;)
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Offline finlays mam

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Re: pooing in the middle of the night!!! (sorry)
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2007, 20:09:39 pm »
hi dree,

i wish increasing his solids were that easy!!! ::) my son is an enigma!!! ever since he was a few weeks old he will only eat 4oz for breakfast no more no way!!! breakfast is also a struggle 1/2 hour, 1 hour 11/2 hrs later whatever combination.   He's now also refusing his 11am bottle and then when i do give him his lunch he will only take what he wants and no more.  It can also be hit and miss with the 3pm bottle and sometimes he'll take a good 7 oz for his bedtime feed...........i think the feeding thru the night is the culprit but he takes 8-9oz and the df and a good 7-8oz during the night!!! ::) ::) i have actually posted these very questions on the feeding board re trying to stop the late feeds and which i should do first.....i tried watering down the night feed and that was disastrous.....he just pooed even more because of the water ;D ;D lol!!!!....honestly, my beautiful boy!!!! so, i am going to try and reduce the night feed slowly by reducing oz rather than increasing know what i need! the courage to do it because i don't want it to go t*!s up!!! ;) and be up constantly.....

Debbie  :)

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Re: pooing in the middle of the night!!! (sorry)
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2007, 21:47:39 pm »
Ahhhh, I see well then...there is no way a child will eat in the day if he is eating all night. You need to reduce those night feeds slowly and increase day feeds. Do it 1oz at a time if you have to. I know I did that with her DF. It took time and patience...You are not alone. I struggle feeding my dd lunch regularly..she loves cereal day loves her sweet potatoes then the next day gives me a face and next thing I know vomits. Ahhhh what fun for mommy...So I do get it. My dd has a very strong gag reflex. I still have not moved on to finger foods yet. She turns 10mths tomorrow. She only has 2

Good Luck
Dree  ;)
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Offline finlays mam

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Re: pooing in the middle of the night!!! (sorry)
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2007, 12:04:10 pm »
Hi Dree, funny you should mention your lo's gag reflex, i'm finding Fin's is really sensitive and we can puke everywhere if there is THE tiniest lump and he looks absolutely disgusted if i offer him any finger food ;D ;D ::)....this is maybe why he's a night milk fiend!!!!!!!!!!

anyway, we're having a rough time at the minute, he's got a cold and not sleeping but the funny thing is, he's refused both his df and the night feed for the last 2 nights which makes me wonder!! ;) ;)....maybe my 'wanting to sleep all night' angels are helping!!! :)


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Re: pooing in the middle of the night!!! (sorry)
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2007, 00:14:22 am »
or he could be teething. I know when Sofia's teething, her appetite diminishes.

Thinking of you
Dree  ;)
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Offline finlays mam

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Re: pooing in the middle of the night!!! (sorry)
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2007, 15:07:55 pm »
hi Dree,

unfortunately,now it's a bit more than teething, somebody swapped my smiley boy for a whingey snot head whose face is caked with green glupe!! poor little fella is experiencing the 'man flu' early on....he's a little bit better today but his nose is red raw from the glupe and he has a hacking cough.....i'm just hoping this doesn't happen every time there's a tooth!!! thanks for thinking of us :-*

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Re: pooing in the middle of the night!!! (sorry)
« Reply #11 on: March 11, 2007, 00:02:26 am »
Hey Debbie,

How is your little man doing ?? Any better ?? I hope so. If it is any consolation I know what you are going through. I hate it when Sofia is sick. It as if overnight your child becomes possessed. Then you ask yourself....Ummm what happened to my smiley baby that I greet every morning in her bedroom??

Just checking in on both of you
Have an awesome weekend
Dree  ;)
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Offline finlays mam

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Re: pooing in the middle of the night!!! (sorry)
« Reply #12 on: March 13, 2007, 20:59:06 pm »
Hi there Dree, well.... we have just had the week from hell.  Thought he was getting better but i was fooled!! poor little man was awful, kept waking through the night screaming because he couldn't breathe and obviously felt bloody awful... we both got little sleep and AP kicked in and he slept with me for 3 whole nights.... :o...but, he's better now and i just love it!!  i felt so utterly helpless and i'm a kid's nurse but just couldn't do anything to make it go away....!!  anyhow, i still feel so sleep deprived at the moment but funnily enough he's dropped the df and only waking the once for a night feed........this is all trivial info but it's nice to 'chat' about it!! :)...he's sleeping until 0700ish in the morning so hopefully we've gained something good from such horrible time.....thanks for thinking of us, hope you and your little sofia are ok... :-*

Debbie and the very well, very smiley and very beautiful Finlay!! ;D ;D