Hello Ladies!
I'm looking for some advice for routine tweaks for early wakings and short naps. We started sleep training for our 4.5 month old DS using BW techniques about 10 days ago - since then, his naps and nighttime sleep are off and so his routine is off. He used to have an 8 to 8, 4-hour EASY (up at 8am, naps at 10, 2 and catnap at 6, nurse at 8pm and asleep around 8:30pm) and was doing great on it (was happy and gaining weight well). How do I stay on a routine with his early wakings and short naps??? As an example - here is our day so far:
6:45 Awake
7:15 BF
8:55 Asleep Nap #1
9:35 Wake from Nap #1
9:35-10:35 Lying awake/Fussing/Trying to get him back to sleep
10:45 BF
12:10 Asleep Nap #2
12:45 Wake from Nap #2
12:45-1:30 Lying awake/Fussing/Trying to get him back to sleep
1:30-1:45 Light activity then started to show signs of sleepy
1:45pm Did wind down and put him in bed - fussed....then started to cry and cry\tried to get him to sleep
2:10pm BF (he ate pretty well but fell asleep a couple of times and then rubbed his eyes between sides)
2:30 Just hanging out - looking around, happy (I'm watching for signs of tired and then I'll do wind down and put him straight to bed)
SO....what do I do? If he is awake at 7am - do I just get him up and we start our day and plan for something like a 7 to 7 EASY? But then the next morning he could be up at 5 or 6am!!!
And what about short naps??? How do I keep the routine? What tweaks do you make to a 4-hour EASY when these things happen?