My LO is 10.5 months only and will eat just about anything pureed. She will eat finger foods like cheerios, bananas, kiwi, arrowroot, baby mummums but she will not take anything else from a spoon such as macaroni or semi pureed foods. How do I go about transitioning to lumpier, textured stuff. She is a bit of a fussy eater too which compounds the frustration on my part. Anything I make seems to end up in the garbage or the freezer for another day. Needless to say the freezer is full. If a put a few carrots or potatoes on her tray they end up on the floor. She also seems to choke a lot which is discouraging for both of us so I hesitate to give her stuff sometimes. She never has a problem with the foods mentioned above though because I assume she is used to them.
I've given stage 2 baby foods (Beech Nut, Heinz) but I don't find a whole lot of difference in texture from pureed. When I go to stage 3 there seems to be a tremendous jump. If she wasn't so fussy it might be easier but she and its not. I am also in the process of switching her from solids to bottle and we have a lot of tweaking to do yet. I also have been introducing the sippy cup with milk in it and that is a work in progress. Maybe I am biting off more than she can chew so to speak. Suggestions?