Author Topic: Transition of purees to lumps  (Read 2167 times)

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Offline cbell

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Transition of purees to lumps
« on: March 01, 2007, 18:23:39 pm »
My LO is 10.5 months only and will eat just about anything pureed. She will eat finger foods like cheerios, bananas, kiwi, arrowroot, baby mummums but she will not take anything else from a spoon such as macaroni or semi pureed foods. How do I go about transitioning to lumpier, textured stuff. She is a bit of a fussy eater too which compounds the frustration on my part. Anything I make seems to end up in the garbage or the freezer for another day. Needless to say the freezer is full. If a put a few carrots or potatoes on her tray they end up on the floor. She also seems to choke a lot which is discouraging for both of us so I hesitate to give her stuff sometimes. She never has a problem with the foods mentioned above though because I assume she is used to them.

I've given stage 2 baby foods (Beech Nut, Heinz) but I don't find a whole lot of difference in texture from pureed. When I go to stage 3 there seems to be a tremendous jump. If she wasn't so fussy it might be easier but she and its not. I am also in the process of switching her from solids to bottle and we have a lot of tweaking to do yet. I also have been introducing the sippy cup with milk in it and that is a work in progress. Maybe I am biting off more than she can chew so to speak. Suggestions?

Offline taygensmom

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Re: Transition of purees to lumps
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2007, 18:32:20 pm »
Hmmm, so kiddos have difficulty with the lumpy pureed and skip right to the real finger foods. Some moms just go with this and work on expanding finger foods. What do  you mean about the choking? Is it only with a few foods? Is it with liquids too?

Offline cbell

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Re: Transition of purees to lumps
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2007, 18:35:35 pm »
Well the choking varies... mostly with stuff she takes off the spoon if its not pureed. She has a bad habit of sucking food of the spoon as opposed to opening her mouth and taking it all in. Thus choking results if the content is not pureed. Very weird little duck.

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Re: Transition of purees to lumps
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2007, 18:47:00 pm »
M seemed to go from pureed to finger and just kept going. We never even bought stage 2 of anything I don't think. I gave her baked potatoes and cut x's in them so she could pull out chunks (soft chunks tho, kwim?)

Does she choke on the finger foods you give her? can you add more to the pile? How bout soft sweet potatoes?  cooked pieces of apple rolled in crushed cheerios?  softened pear?  There's tons of stuff out there for your lo..what about avocado? that stuff I'm suggesting is lumpier than pureed but she can still eat it without your help -finger foods-make sense?

Offline taygensmom

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Re: Transition of purees to lumps
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2007, 19:00:57 pm »
Is she really choking or gagging on the lumpy pureeds???

Offline cbell

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Re: Transition of purees to lumps
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2007, 19:18:57 pm »
Lola... no she really doesn't choke on the finger foods I give so thats good. I guess I will keep offering her stuff in hopes that she will take it. Drive me crazy though when she plays with her food and throws it on the floor.

Taygensmum... she tends to gag I guess not choke. And I guess it would be attributed to the textures thing. Probably doesn't help that she still only has 2 bottom teeth either. :-p

I'll keep trying! I just hate wasting food and my freezer is full. :-)

Offline cbell

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Re: Transition of purees to lumps
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2007, 21:42:55 pm »
Update: ok since last post, I cooked up some potatoes and carrots for supper. I tried feeding her a piece of potato off my finger because she usually takes new things that way, not a hit at all. Came right back out. I have given her potatoes before with a bit of garlic powder and she liked it. So I took the potato, mashed it and added formula, tried that. No luck there either. In fact she gagged and threw up the 4 oz of milk she had a 1/2 hr earlier. So after the cleanup and getting her calm again, I managed to get some pureed carrots and rice cereal mixed with apricot puree and she ate that plus a bunch of cheerios. Now I do know I should not have tried something new at supper time as she was tired because she won't nap very well... thats another story. But lunches are a challenge I find too... sigh. I tried macaroni and cheese as I think I mentioned in another post... didn't go well either.

Is it possible I am trying to rush it? I feel like I have been trying new finger foods for awhile now and she isn't game for new stuff. And my other fear is that she is only going to take fruit willingly and not veggies. Can't say I blame but what can you do. Should I just stick with the pureed stuff and give her the finger foods that she does like while slow... and I mean slowly introducing new stuff?... and above all not stress about it.  :P

Offline cbell

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Re: Transition of purees to lumps
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2007, 23:45:39 pm »
After doing some research on the internet I came across this site which has been very helpful. Just thought I would post it in case anyone has been experiencing issues with the transition to lumpy food. There are some excellent tips to help the LO's with lumpier/thicker food. Turns out my little has a strong gag reflex which I knew about but this site has a good explaination of why and what you can do about it. I'll be taking a new approach tomorrow!

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Re: Transition of purees to lumps
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2007, 00:14:04 am »
Thank you for this link.  I am going through a problem similar to yours and found this page to be very helpful as well.

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Re: Transition of purees to lumps
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2007, 22:51:09 pm »
I do think your LO has a strong gag reflex for sure, but what tend to compound problems in advancing textures for a lot of babes is staged jarred food.  I don't know if you found really stage 1 tends to be exceptionally smooth and thin.  Stage 2 is a bit thicker but still exceptionally smooth.  The Stage 3 hits and you have exceptionally smooth puree surrounding a few lumps of food.  Stage 3 is actually 2 different textures and most babies suck off the puree and are left with a lump in their mouth they do not know what to do with.
If you are up to make homemade food you can make a meal that is all minced instead of pureed (starting with homemade puree is good to wean off of jarred food at first as it is thicker and you can never get it as smooth as Heinz does).  Once your babe discovers they actually have to move food around in their mouth with the minced food they will start to learn how to chew.  The goal is to offer spoonfuls of a consistent texture.
Hope that helps a bit.

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Re: Transition of purees to lumps
« Reply #10 on: March 03, 2007, 13:47:39 pm »
After doing some research on the internet I came across this site which has been very helpful. Just thought I would post it in case anyone has been experiencing issues with the transition to lumpy food. There are some excellent tips to help the LO's with lumpier/thicker food. Turns out my little has a strong gag reflex which I knew about but this site has a good explaination of why and what you can do about it. I'll be taking a new approach tomorrow!

Thank you for this link.  I was jut about to post something that this page addresses, because my DD is only eating the pureed stuff and spitting out the lumps.  She also is gagging on any lumps.