My 7 month old is breastfed & has MSPI. It seems like he is starting to outgrow the intolerance somewhat. Is not in as much pain when i accidently eat something w/ milk. anyway, i really would like to start weaning him SLOWLY & wanted to try goat's milk. i heard that many people have had more luck w/ goat's milk than formulas such as nutramigen, etc. but then on the info about MSPI it states that goats milk is very similar to cow's milk protein. i would love to hear any suggestions...especially those that have used goats milk. also, do you just buy it at a health food store? i've seen it in cans that okay? or should i stick to infant formula? he also has reflux pretty bad & is taking prevacid (so he throws up a lot)! my daughter also had mspi & reflux. we put her on nutramigen at 3 months & it took her several weeks to adjust (she was in lots of pain). plus, i don't know if my son could get used to the taste of it since he's older.
thanks for your help.