Author Topic: 2 year old bed transition not going well - do I use a baby gate?  (Read 2800 times)

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Offline mollymoocat

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Six nights ago we started putting our two year old daughter into a toddler bed.  The first night was almost great.  She went down at 7.00pm and she came and got into our bed at 6.00am (I know we shouldn't have allowed this).

The next night we had to keep taking her back to bed for about 15mins before she would settle.  This night she came into our room about 3 or 4 times, each time we took her back to bed and she stayed there for a few hours.

The next few nights she stayed in her room again until about 6.00am and I took her back and she stayed there until 7.00am.  I'd occasionally hear her come in but because we didn't stir she went and got back into her bed.

The night before last she stayed in her room until 7.00am and I thought we were getting somewhere.

BUT last night from 1.00am onwards she kept coming in and would not stay in her bed when we took her back, we'd instantly take her backeach time, not talking to her or anything and she would climb into bed herself but as soon as we left the room she would get up again.  This went on for an hour to the point were she was crying when we left the room.  In the end I left her door open and stood outside, she couldn't see me in the dark, as soon as she sat up I'd tell her to lie down which she did.  When she appeared to be staying put I went to bed leaving her door open.

She came into our room again a few minutes later, I pretended to be asleep and she went back to her room but came back straight away.  She didn't try to get into our bed or talk to us but crawled into the corner of the room with her teddy and stayed there.  We all fell asleep.  A few hours later at about 4.30am I woke up and put her back to bed, she was asleep more or less and stayed there until 6.00am when she came back and fell asleep on the floor again until 7.00am.

I was hoping that because she wasn't talking to us and trying to get into our bed that she would eventually prefer sleeping in her own bed rather than our bedroom floor, but I don't want her to get into this habbit. 

The taking her back didn't work last night.  It may work tonight if we keep it up but I don't know.  I am four months pregnant and can't continue with this sleep deprivation for too long and my husband helps but has to work too.

I was wondering wether to put a baby gate on her door, I know it will upset her at first but if we combine this with the WI/WO method, do you think it may work or should we just prepare ourself to spend a couple of nights continuously taking her back to bed.

HISTORY - up until before Xmas she was always a very good sleeper.  Going to bed at 7.00pm and staying there until 8 - 9.00am sometimes (I think we have been spoiled by this)  She always used to have a good 1.5-2hr nap at lunchtime too.   A combination of illnesses, holiday and visiting relatives at xmas disturbed this pattern somewhat.  She hasn't had a daytime nap for months unless we are out in the car or pram.  Even before putting her in her bed she had started climbing out of her cot at 6 - 7am and coming in to our room and I know its our own fault but at first we let her into our bed because we had been used to getting more sleep (but I simply cannot sleep at all with her in our bed anyway).  She would lie there 'quietly' for about and hour but then want to get up and play.  We won't let her in our bed at all now and maybe this is why she chooses to sleep on the floor.

Can anyone advise us on what to do, I know we need to be consistant but which method is the best to take?   The taking her back to bed over and over is also putting a strain on the back and pelvic problems I have, even if I don't lift her and I can't expect DH to do it all by himself.

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Re: 2 year old bed transition not going well - do I use a baby gate?
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2007, 11:50:29 am »
it sounds like your dd is overall a good sleeper?  the walking around at night sounds like it's a novelty thing - she can, so she does.  if it is not ok for her to sleep in your room, then you really do just need to walk her back to her room every single time.  don't talk to her,  avoid eye contact or anger; just return her to her bed.  we did that for a while with our dd - i think she just wanted to check where everybody was.  eventually the novelty does wear off.  she does still occasionally come into our room, but she knows we're putting her back in her room - sometimes she just wants a hug.

Quote (selected)
I can't expect DH to do it all by himself

you most certainly can, ;)  if this is what your family wants and if it's causing you health problems to do so.  you are handling all the daytime stuff after all...  maybe you 2 can discuss what your goals are & how you can get to them. 
DD - Textbook
DS - Touchy/Grumpy

Offline carriep310

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Re: 2 year old bed transition not going well - do I use a baby gate?
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2007, 12:05:02 pm »
I had a friend who put the pack N Play up in the room along with the big bed.  And began during naptime, that if child got out of bed once, she would put her back and remind her of the "stay in bed" rule.  If she got out of bed again, she would have to sleep in the Pack N Play. 

another suggestion about the early waking at that age they are learning so much and can usually begin understanding this. ---get a fun light and put it on a timer to turn on at 7:00.  Explain to her that we can't get up in the am until the light comes on.  If she wakes at 6:00, then explain again that "the light is not on and when it is you can come in to our room" 

Another friend taught her 2yo numbers and put tape over the right 2 numbers on a digital clock and told her that she could not get out of bed until the clock said 7. 

These are just suggestions i have gotten from friends though.  I have a 17mo and dread the transition...she is a VERY busy baby and I doubt she will stay in her bed! 

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Re: 2 year old bed transition not going well - do I use a baby gate?
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2007, 21:39:24 pm »
Personally I don't think the baby gate is a good idea, she is getting out because she "can" & will stop when the novelty wears off.
My ds#1 transitioned easily to a bed at 26mo & we solved the early rising by a light on a timer... we played a game the first day before we put it properly into action... is the light on?, ok out of bed, is it off, quick we need to be in bed still. then the mornings if he came in we'd say is the 'fishy' light on (it was a novelty light) & if he said no, then we took him back & said he needed to wake... that worked well... now he can read the clock so he works on that for when he can get up.
ds#2 we needed to transition at 19months to prepare for a holiday as he is way too tall for the pack & play & his transition has been rocky at times... he has on occasion got out of bed at all different times, but I can relate them back to unsettled days & he did it almost every night we were on Holidays - checking we were there.
He actually did it last night & I think it was because he couldn't find me when he woke from his nap (dh was around but I am the "one" he likes to cuddle on waking) & he needed reassurance I hadn't left.
What we do (& did for ds#1 too) is talk about the day & what will happen at night... with ds#2 I actually stay in the room until he falls asleep & so I tell him, Mummy will leave when you are asleep & then if you call I will come to your room... when the light comes on it will be time to get up & see A (ds#1) & Daddy.
I don't totally agree with the no interaction when you take them back to bed - I personally think you need to tell them what you are doing & why ie... "it is still sleep time, I know you wanted to check on Mummy, but you know you are meant to call me & stay in your bed until the light comes on... goodnight, Mummy is going back to bed now"  I will also ask if there is anything he needs ie are you thirsty & then check he has his bears (lovies)
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

Offline osmom

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Re: 2 year old bed transition not going well - do I use a baby gate?
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2007, 00:31:04 am »
We had this problem with our DS.  He would come out really early in the AM (like 3 or 4 am) He just wanted to check things out. What finally helped us was telling him that he could come out when daddy's alarm went "beep beep" in the morning. My husband's alarm is really loud and can be heard all throughout the house.  It didn't change that he was able to come out, but in his mind, it gave him something to wait for.  He knew that he could call us if he needed us, but he really did wait for the alarm!  It's kind of strange the way a toddler's mind works sometimes. I'm not sure if he just stopped waking up or if he went back to bed because he didn't hear the alarm, but it worked. It's worth a try.  I also agree with pps that you just need to keep taking her back in to send the message. Good luck.  Erin
Erin -