Author Topic: 6 mos too early for solids?  (Read 2233 times)

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6 mos too early for solids?
« on: March 02, 2007, 16:35:29 pm »
Hi...I have a spirited 6mo 1wk old and he does not seem to be getting the hang of the whole eating thing...I've been trying now for about 4 weeks and he still spits most of it out.  Can it be too early?  He screws up his face if I try him with anything other than oatmeal and he's more interested in grabbing the spoon and smearing it all over himself than eating it.  He doesn't know to open his mouth for the spoon yet so I'm still shoving it in  :o  He loves to look around and squirm a lot (I guess cause he's spirited) and doesn't seem interested at all.  I'm still only doing breakfast so far - just too time consuming and futile to add other "meals" yet  :P  Should I keep trying breakfast until he gets the hang of it or wait a while?  I wouldn't care if he was sleeping through the night but he still wakes up once or twice to get fed...Any advice would be appreciated, Thanks!
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Offline Nad

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Re: 6 mos too early for solids?
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2007, 16:53:13 pm »

My son (also spirited) did the same thing in the beginning.  He would squirm, grab the spoon, not open his mouth, spit almost all of it out.  However, give it time...after about 2-3 weeks he began to improve.  He now only spit a bit out, but i still have to kinda shove the spoon in. He doesn't really open his mouth to the coming don't think that comes until later.

My suggestion...don't give up keep trying and he will soon get the hang of it.  I would also try another don't have to give him a lot, even just a teaspoon...practise makes perfect!!! ;) ;)

Offline Ashton & Raine's Mom

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Re: 6 mos too early for solids?
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2007, 18:45:35 pm »
Thanks for the advice  :)  Did your son also not seem to like solids?  Should I give oatmeal twice or should I keep trying different foods?  How does your little guy bottle/breast feed?  Ashton gets antsy after about 2-3 oz so it takes me quite a while to get a full bottle in...guess that's just his temperment  :-\   He's my first baby and while I didn't think it was going to be easy I didn't anticipate all the little challenges ??? Thanks so much again  :)
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Offline Freya'sMum

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Re: 6 mos too early for solids?
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2007, 20:06:47 pm »

Have you tried offering your ds finger foods? The baby-led weaning approach suggests that from 6 months baby's are able to explore foods in their natural state. Obviously you have control over this, and some foods are more suitable than others, but mainly ds gets to experiment with biting and chewing and rolling food around his mouth, and eventually some gets swallowed and then he gets the hang of the whole thing.

With my dd, she doesn't manage to eat enough doing it herself, so I top her up with mashed fruit and yogurt (banana, stewed apple and pear, roughly chopped peaches and apricots) for pudding on a spoon. But first off I just let her play with foods, and she'll try anything as finger foods, tonight she had salmon, steamed babycorn and potato wedges, she gnaws on raw apple, pear and carrot sticks, strawberries, steamed broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, sweet potato, parsnips, as well as rice cakes, toasted pitta bread, and chicken strips. Oatmeal is pretty bland - I wouldn't be keen! I introduced the spoon feeding once she'd got the hang of what food is!

It's worth a try, you don't want him to be put off food 'coz he doesn't like the method of delivery, and this approach lets him learn to eat at his own pace! Unfortunately you might have to accept that he feeds at night for some time yet. Dd is a little over 8 months and still feeding once or twice a night - you can't rush these things!

Google 'baby-led weaning' and 'Gill Rapley' for more info on the approach - it might just be what your little one needs!

Hope this helps,

Alison x

Offline Nad

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Re: 6 mos too early for solids?
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2007, 20:34:18 pm »
Have you tried rice cereal??? Do you make the cereal runny/liquidy at first, so it is similar to milk.  My son take 4 -  7 ounce bottles, every 4 hours.  I give him his bottle when he wakes and then I wait 45-1 hour before I give him his cereal.  I then give him more cereal at around 5:30/6:00 followed by his bedtime bottle later.  My son also went through a stage of fussing with the bottle, it was a nightmare.  However, he seems to have passed it, try offering a distraction when you feed him, I found that that sometimes worked (i.e. look outside the window, T.V. etc)  This is my first baby too, and i truly sympatize with you.  I know, i didn't expect these challenges also...but i guess it goes with the territory.  HANG IN THERE!!!! :D :D :D

Offline Ashton & Raine's Mom

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Re: 6 mos too early for solids?
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2007, 22:19:14 pm »
Freya'sMum - Thanks for the tips, I'll be sure to check out those websites...  I just didn't know that at 6 months they could have anything other than pureed foods...

Nad - I tried rice cereal at first but Ashton tends to get constipated easily so I switched to oatmeal.  Maybe I'll try putting some fruit in it tomorrow to see how that goes.

Thanks for all the advice - I really appreciate it   :)
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Re: 6 mos too early for solids?
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2007, 23:34:33 pm »
i started at 4months old and many say thats too early...remember that them starting solids is a new wonderful exciting thing and so if they want to play and touch the food/spoon at first thats OK! they are just inquisitive. have you tried giving her their own spoon/bowl  to play with while your feeding her? i find this helped heaps...
apples/pears and some porridge are great starting solids!

Offline Mrs. Gravy

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Re: 6 mos too early for solids?
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2007, 01:15:21 am »
*Most* babies are ready for solids between 6-8 months of age.  Some are ready later.

If he's not accepting solids, take a break for a month and try again.  There is no need to rush - he has his whole life to eat solids!  Breast milk or formula should be the main source of nutrition for the first year.  Until a year old, solids are really only for experimenting.

Also, there is NO evidence that introducing solids will make a baby sleep through the night.  This is a myth.  Babies have tiny tummies and they need to eat frequently.  Unfortunately, that's just the way it is.  He'll sleep through the night when he's developmentally ready, and nothing you feed him is going to change that!  Hang in there - it will happen eventually!

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Re: 6 mos too early for solids?
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2007, 04:55:11 am »
Have you tired a lighter friut such as pears?? maybe he doesn't like the taste?

I do agree though solids doesn't equal sleeping through the night. In fact it can even make things worse.

Stick with one meal a day and if he doesn't eat it then don't worry, he is getting what he needs from the milk, right now its more to help them experiment with foods. Give him a few spoon fulls, and back off when he doesn't want anymore, then you'll have a LO who knows that eating time is not a bad thing and he'll have less anxiaties about food :)


Offline TashaM

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Re: 6 mos too early for solids?
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2007, 10:11:02 am »
Hi, this has been a great post to read because I am experiencing exactly the same thing, both with dd losing interest in her bottle when its only half empty, and with an apparent lack of interest in solids which we started to introduce about 3 weeks ago (dd is 6mo 3 weeks).

[Freya's mum and ErinMarie, thanks for your replies to my post about starting weaning.]

The great news is that the interest in her bottle has improved, I also found that providing mild stimulation to keep her from getting too bored really helped (singing her favourite nursery rhymes, finger puppets, a bright scarf around my neck). Also, try taking a short break when baba comes off the bottle then try again in a few minutes .. our little ones are far too interested in the world to give too much attention to boring old eating!! :P

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Re: 6 mos too early for solids?
« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2007, 17:35:57 pm »
Thanks for all the advice!  Today we tried applesauce and he seemed to like it!!   It was the most I ever got him to eat!  Maybe I'll revisit the sweet potatoes or pears later on today.  He still loses interest in the bottle after about 3 oz but like TashaM I've been giving him a break and then offering it again.  Thanks again...I'll let you know how it's going...
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Offline Kimberly®

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Re: 6 mos too early for solids?
« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2007, 18:42:54 pm »
how many bottles does he have a day? Maybe he is ready for fewer, longer inbetween them and more per bottle, if you know what I mean.

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Re: 6 mos too early for solids?
« Reply #12 on: March 04, 2007, 19:19:39 pm »
Since we've cut out the middle of the night bottle he has 6 a day...
7, 10, 1, 5, 7, and then the DF which he usually wakes up for...

I could probably stretch him out longer if he napped longer but some days he only naps for 45 mins at a time.  His biggest bottles are the 7pm and DF ones - he always drinks more than 5 oz.  In the morning it usually takes me an hour to get 4 oz in him...then it's time to eat breakfast...

Once he starts eating solids well which bottle during the day should I start cutting first?  Once we have the middle of the night taken care of I'm going to start working on the DF one...  Thanks!
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Offline Freya'sMum

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Re: 6 mos too early for solids?
« Reply #13 on: March 04, 2007, 20:11:24 pm »
Freya'sMum - Thanks for the tips, I'll be sure to check out those websites...  I just didn't know that at 6 months they could have anything other than pureed foods...

Once upon a time, mummies didn't have food processors, I reckon this 'new' ::) baby-led weaning approach is how babies have always learned to eat, and mankind had prevailed for many thousands of years before the advent of electricity without purees and spoons!

Just teasing! Relax and enjoy watching your ds explore all the exciting things in the world that we take for granted - their fascination with ordinary things, including food, is very inspiring!

You'll both be fine,

Alison x

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Re: 6 mos too early for solids?
« Reply #14 on: March 04, 2007, 21:36:21 pm »
Since we've cut out the middle of the night bottle he has 6 a day...
7, 10, 1, 5, 7, and then the DF which he usually wakes up for...

I could probably stretch him out longer if he napped longer but some days he only naps for 45 mins at a time.  His biggest bottles are the 7pm and DF ones - he always drinks more than 5 oz.  In the morning it usually takes me an hour to get 4 oz in him...then it's time to eat breakfast...

Once he starts eating solids well which bottle during the day should I start cutting first?  Once we have the middle of the night taken care of I'm going to start working on the DF one...  Thanks!

at 6mo, your ds should be able to handle the 4hr easy with feeds roughly at:
7am, 11am, 3pm, 7pm, DF

if he isn't taking much at the other feeds, sounds like he might just not be hungry enough after 3 hours. even when my ds was going through the crazy 30-45min napping, we would stick with the 4hr feeding schedule as he just wouldn't eat much when fed every 3 hours.

anyhow, just an idea! good luck :)
Lucky mum to Lockie & Sam