I was just coming to the board to look into sour poop!
My dd is almost 16 months, she was diagnosed with a milk protein allergy when she was 6 weeks old. Her poop was what you described but she was also a screaming/crying baby. I bf (still do) and had to eliminate all dairy, even foods made with trace dairy (such as bread), her poops became normal after this. Once she past the 12 month stage ped told us to reintroduce dairy. She's fine with yogurt and cheese but gets this sour, runny poop whenever she has milk. I've taken her on and off milk for months now. The past 2 days I gave her fortified soy milk (still eating yogurt and cheese) and today was the first day in a while that her poop had better consistency and the sour smell was gone. Ped kept telling me to keep with the milk, that the poop was considered fine, not to worry, but I know sour, runny poop is not normal! If I were you I'd try to eliminate all milk and trace milk from your diet for 2 weeks to see if it makes a difference.