Author Topic: Should I move up her bedtime?  (Read 802 times)

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Offline btrsweet5747

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Should I move up her bedtime?
« on: March 07, 2007, 03:33:06 am »
My 3 month old sleeps really well during the night- only up once to eat between 3 & 5am.  She goes to bed around 8pm (give or take 15 minutes) and generally has no problems.  The thing I worry is that I should move her bedtime earlier.  The reason is because her last nap of the day starts around 5:30 or 6pm, and I have to wake her from it 90% of the time (out of a deep sleep, no less).  Rarely do I have to wake her from any other naps throughout the day, so this is why I think she might be confusing this as nighttime sleep (or perhaps her body is telling her she NEEDS this to be nighttime sleep).

I want to put her down at her natural bedtime, but I also don't want to mess with her bedtime if I don't need to.  She's usually up for the day between 7 & 8am, so going along with the theory that babies thrive on 12 hour days and 12 hour nights, I would think her bedtime needs to be around 7 or 7:30, right?

Our EASY is still all over the place because she can only stay awake for an hour or so before needing to sleep, and sometimes it ends up being EASAE.  Also, she usually sleeps for an hour, but has one long nap a day, which is at a different time everyday.  The only things that stay the same are the following:

~She's up for the day between 7 & 8am
~She eats her first bottle at 8am
~She goes down for her first nap at 9am
~Her last nap starts right around 5:30 or 6pm
~She's up from that nap by 7 (even if we have to wake her)
~Bath is at 7:30, followed by lotion, jammies and final bottle
~Bedtime is between 8pm and 8:15

Everything in between is all over the board.

Thanks for any suggestions!

Offline Chiaras Mum

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Re: Should I move up her bedtime?
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2007, 03:49:33 am »
Hi Kristi,
I seem to be having a similar problem to you...only mine is getting the late afternoon nap bubba is on a 4 hour EASY (sometimes resembling EASAE too). Her bedtime is around 7-7.30 with bedtime routine starting around 6-6.30.

I am having trouble getting her late afternoon nap I am worried it will interfere with her bedtime and she won't be tired...and then she is WAY overtired for her bedtime and we have a VERY unsettled child that screams/crys when she is put into bed (something that doesn't happen for her day time sleeps - around 9am and 1pm) question to you is...if you do plan on moving up her bedtime, what time and for how long will you put her down for for her late afternoon nap..?

oh, our daily routine resembles something like yours...

I haven't really been much help but I am going to try and either give her a late afternoon nap (say from 4.30-5.00, not letting her sleep longer than 6pm even if I have to wake her...something I don't have to really do either during the day) and see if she goes down better...last night she screamed/cried for 45mins and finally dozed off around 8.15pm and slept til 2.30am!! YAY!! 

Will let you know how i go and it MAY be of help... ;)

Offline btrsweet5747

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Re: Should I move up her bedtime?
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2007, 13:55:36 pm »
Chiaras Mum~ it does sound like you and I are in the same boat.  And if I do move up her bedtime the last nap will be out of whack as well.  Right now I can pretty much count on that 5:30 or 6pm nap being right on time, but if I eliminate that nap I'm not sure when the last nap would be!  Keep me updated in this post about how you're doing!

I think I might try to move that nap forward just a little to give her more time to wake up before going to bed for the night, but you're right, Stacy, I don't want to screw up the good thing I've got!


Offline Chiaras Mum

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Re: Should I move up her bedtime?
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2007, 08:58:35 am »
Hi Kristi,

...heres an update...

Yesterday my LO had a late afternoon nap for 45 mins at round 4.30ish (she woke from it herself and was wide awake with smiles)

Come bedtime at 7ish (was just before as brought her bottle forward) she was still a right little rat (took 35 minutes to settle) and then woke every hour or so until I fed her around 11ish - she then slept til 630am solidly...

Tonight (as her feedtimes were out of kilter today as her first feed was at 630) she had a nap in her car seat of 45 mins around 4-5pm...I had a few errands to run so sped through her betime routine and had her down by just after 630pm...she still had a bit of a temper tantrum for 25 minutes but nothing like the past few nights...will let you know if she wakes every hour...and how she goes overnight...

...its all really trial and error... :-\   :-\

Sounds like your bubby goes down like a dream...if you've tried to move her bedtime forward let me know what happens with her late afternoon nap times and bedtime etc...

...could it be that I just have a VERY knowing bub that has cottoned on to bedtime as opposed to naps???   ::) ::) ::)