Thank you for your support. It hasn't been easy to keep nursing her. I started pumping because she wouldn't eat too much (maybe because of the stomach problems) and I didn't want to loose the supply. I started giving her bottle since I have to go back to work in 4 weeks. I hope I can keep up the supply for a while.
I have been on Elimination diet for about 4 months. I have added most things back except dairy, tofu, caffeine, broccalli, cauliflower, Onions, some legumes like black eye beans. Being a vegetarian the elimination diet is really hard since lot of salad dressings and things have dairy. I am down to 102 pounds (which may not be a bad thing).
Yes, the Oz. I was referring to was pumped milk. Yesterday I tried a sample of what the pedi. gave me Gentlease but she still has gas and lots of mucous and cottage cheese like white stuff in bowel. I wil try the other formula you guys suggested.
I started her on solids with caution. She get constipated with rice cereal but seems to be ok with Oat Cereal and I gave her peas yesterday. She doesn't eat too much solids. After 10-15 bites she gets tired or something and starts crying and I have to take her out of the high chair (High chair might be he problem).