i think this essentially is the problem as there is no real routine even though i have a poster up in the kitchen with the E A S Y routine on it. So i shall try to be brief and tell you a typical ish day
7 ish my son wakes and so i get out of bed and this wakes baby who is also in bed with me. For next two hours she feeds and i get her and son ready and about 9 she will fall asleep for half an hour in her car seat.
11 ish i wrap her up feed her then put her in pram and she sleeps until 4 ish. she will then feed for half hour then lay on the floor or sit in her chair until 5. she will usually feed again about 5 on and off until 6ish.
7 ish bath and cluster feeds usually until 9 althogh she may have a 10 min nap during this time. Then as i explained dad attempts shush pat and this increasingly results in failure. The last few nights i`ve then put her in bed and she falls happily to sleep on the breast where if possible she would stay until 10 the next day latching on when she wants. Oh dear i`m doing everything wrong aren`t i? I fear i have instilled a lot of bad habits and now can`t get out of them as from day one when she wakes during the night i brought her into bed and let her stay because i couldn`t stay awake.
I need help and to make matters worse i can`t even find the book for help