I had an early riser too. 6pm bedtime, 5am wakeup. Forever. Always only 11 hours at night. We didn't have a real routine as such, I am a cue follower, but I think most days it was similar to yours except the A times were more even, since she has always done long A times.
After I got pregnant, I just couldn't handle the 5am, and DH was sick of never seeing Zara in the PM (or all day/night often).
So one day, she took an extra nap, later in the afternoon. And we moved bedtime to 7:30. She had short nights for a while, but we followed cues and she didnt' get overtired because we made it up in her day sleep (well, almost). With some work on the early wakeups, she is now waking at about 7am. Depending on naps, she goes to bed between 7 and 8. Sometimes I miss the evenings, but DH loves to see her more, and I still rise early most days (DH leaves for work early) so I have my quiet time in the mornings.
So, I guess I am saying, that if you work hard at it, it can be changed. If you are happy with it, then your routine looks great!