My DD has milk, soy and nut protein intolerance. She is exclusively breastfed so I avoid these things in my diet. The last week or more she has been very unsettled particularly at night where she can't fall into a deep sleep and I can hear her stomach bubbling like a cauldron. She wont spend any time lying down on her front or back and cries like she's in pain. She is doing a BM after every feed like a newborn ( though these are normal looking)and has dry patches and a skin rash though these also aren't as bad as they used to be before i went on the TED. Do you think I am eating something with hidden dairy/soy/nuts or is there a possibility she is developing another intolerance to something else? I am starting the TED again today but I am gutted because I thought I knew the extent of the problem now and would hate for the list to keep getting longer.
I would really appreciate any thopught or advice, thanks, Katt