LO is 6 months and has never been the greatest sleeper but despite a fairly standard day time, its usually been very erratic at night ie one night sleep through, next up 3 times and the next only once. This was the first time he'd settled down to some sort of pattern.
Up 7am and bottle, quick change and play then Breakfast at before 8.
Nap around 9 until 10am - have tried to extend this but he is honestly happier with just an hour here
Up at 10am and play until 11 then bottle, followed by lunch before 12.
Nap around 12.30 to 2.30 - the exact time on this varies but its almost always 2 hours
Bottle about 3ish and then dinner at 5ish - this time varies depending on cat nap. I think he'd like to drop this but just isn't quite there yet - some days he'l want one and others he won't. I usually encourage one about 4.30 as it means the first part of the evening is much better, if he fights it he can be hard to settle.
Bath 6 followed by bottle and bed by 7. If he has had a catnap he usually sleeps through up to and including the dreamfeed at 10.30, if he has not had a catnap he can wake up 2 or 3 times before dreamfeed but then usually settles after that
Then into the night - the pattern was wake up at 3.30 for 1 hour of chatter/play then back to sleep for an hour or so then up again at 6ish until I would get him up at 7. Where I am lucky is he will entertain himself so I don't go in unless he starts to cry however he is so loud it is disrupting the whole house.
As I mentioned after 3 days of W2S at 2.30 which worked he went through until 6ish, on the 4th night I went in at 2.30 and he was awake and i promise you I only rubbed his belly the once to bring him into a light sleep. Last night I tried W2S at 1.30 which worked and we went through until 6ish again. So I think the answer is carry on at 1.30 for a few more days, if he starts to wake at 1.30 I'll go to 12.30 - maybe I just have to work myself all the way back to 10.30 and dreamfeed?
Really interested if any one else has seen a similar pattern on W2S or can recommend anything else.