Author Topic: Visiting friends is not so EASY! Help!  (Read 1179 times)

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Visiting friends is not so EASY! Help!
« on: March 10, 2007, 02:48:48 am »
Okay, it looks like I've somewhat mastered the art of running errands with my 11 w.o. son, who has been on EASY since birth.  I scoot out as soon as he starts getting sleepy, and make sure that I'm back just before his next feed.  He usually sleeps in his carseat/stroller, and if I'm lucky, stays asleep for the duration of my errands.  But I'm finding it very difficult to get out and visit friends, who desperately want to see my L.O. awake...which is a rare occurance b/c he's only awake for an hour at a time, and I'm topless for half of that!  :D  The best scenario is to invite friends over to my house about an hour before my son wakes.  We can hang out, have lunch, catch up, and then I get the baby up for his feeding and he's awake for a bit to socialize.  But it's not always convenient for friends to come to me. 

Case in point, today I went to visit my girlfriend and her 14 mo. old daughter.  I was racking my brain from the moment I woke this morning, trying to figure out the best scenario for getting out of the house with Mason, who was due to eat at noon.  Do I wake him up early from his nap (around 11:30), get him in the car (where he's sure to keep sleeping), get to my friend's house, feed him at 12 & do his A time there, then try to get him to sleep at her house while she and I have lunch and catch up?  Or do I feed him at 12, do his A time at home, then get him into the car at 1 when he's starting to nap and hope that he keeps sleeping (either in his car seat or my friend's baby's crib) when we get to her house, then get him up at 3 at which point I feed him, do his A time at her house, then hit the road for the beggining of his nap, and keep my fingers crossed that he'll finish it at home in his crib? 

I went for option B today, with fairly disasterous results!  Poor kid.  I schlepped him out at 1:00 when he started getting sleepy, and he conked out in the car.  But 30 minutes later when we arrived at my girlfriend's, he woke up.  I took him out of the carseat and tried to get him to sleep in her baby's crib, but he wasn't feelin' it.  So I just held him while we ate lunch, and he was very content to be hanging out with the girls.  He started showing signs of being hungry, so I fed him at about 2:20 (just shy of the 2.5 hr. mark) and by then he was *exhausted*.  He's never usually up more than 45 - 60 min. at a time, and we were going on 2 hrs.!  By 3 we had to hit the road.  He fell asleep in the car and - foolish me - I thought I'd be better off trying to run an errand while we were out b/c he'll usually stay sleeping if we're in constant motion.  Nope.  He woke again in the grocery store, and by the time we were back in the car, he was completely unraveling!  I got him home at 4:30, and fed him at 5 after an unsuccessful attempt at getting him to sleep.  After that feed, he was back on track.  Had a good 2 hr. nap, up at 7:30 to eat, and all has been well since.

I guess my question is this: Has anyone been able to find a successful formula for taking your BW baby to visit friends?  For my son, who only does 1 hr. (tops!) of A time, it's so tough.  Maybe I just need to wait until he gets on a 4 hr. EASY routine with more awake time.  But any advice would be v. welcome.  Thanks!

Offline mommy2two

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Re: Visiting friends is not so EASY! Help!
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2007, 03:29:10 am »
I have struggled with the same dilema hundreds of times. In fact just next week I am taking my baby to see a friend and have thought it all out as well. I also have a 2 yr old's schedule to consider to top it off. What I plan to do is have everything we need ready to go, feed her a little early at about 9:45am and then hit the road by 10:15. We will arrive at my friends around 10:45. I will bring my bouncy chair which always makes her sleep well and I will put her down for her nap in the chair. Then I will stay until her next feed  and then go home. Or I could just cut her nap short (sometimes she wakes up early too)  leave, she would maybe fall back asleep in the car and feed her when we get home.

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Re: Visiting friends is not so EASY! Help!
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2007, 03:45:20 am »
Hi Masons Mommy,
First of all can I say sounds like you did a great job!  Being back on track by 7.30 that night is fantastic  :)
Unfortunately I cant help you with the successful formula for taking bub to visit friends!!  I don't think there is one!! LOL!!.  
I think your first option would be the best. Let him have most of his nap in his cot, then move him to the car for the remainder of the nap.  By the time he is due for his next nap, hopefully he will be used to his new surroundings and it shouldn't be too hard for you to get him to sleep.  I also used to take my bouncer as she loved to nap in there.
Mum to Charlie born 05/07/2006

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Re: Visiting friends is not so EASY! Help!
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2007, 12:39:46 pm »
I agree with the PP's

There is no set way of doing things, it is realy what is going to work for you and your lo.

Remember though EASY is a routine and can be manouvered to what will suit you and your lo.  And if you have one bad day where everything goes wrong, remember, there is always tomorrow for you to be able to get back on track.


Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
Abigail Louise - 23 October 2007

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Re: Visiting friends is not so EASY! Help!
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2007, 21:30:18 pm »
Oh I know the feeling!!!! We are currently transitioning to 4 hr. EASY and we have 1.5/1.75 hours of awake time & it is SO much better & will get better at 2 hours of it. You will be there soon. I stopped going to friend's homes & let them come to me bc it was too stressful! But when I do get out to their homes, I never wake DD early from nap as it makes her very upset. So I get everything ready and right by the door, feed her as soon as nap is over then pop her in the carseat and rush out the door. I even save diaper changes for visits. Then while I am there I put her in her carseat in a dark room & she will nap well in it bc. she's used to being it /sleeping in it sometimes in the car. I just recline it back a little with a blanket under the front part so she isn't sitting up at that angel. I bring her sound machine & plug it in next to her too. She may not take a long nap, but it works for us.