Ok. I am curious about other people's experiences with feeding spoons for toddlers. G is starting to eat on his own with a spoon and his spoon at playschool is a larger size than we use at home and he seems to eat better from it. However, they bought those spoons in Ikea-Germany which doesn't ship here therefore i can't get. The one i use at home I feel doesn't work the best for him....it seems too small-more for 8-12 months perhaps but those are all I can find here. I've been doing some research and also found the "Sassy Baby Less Mess Toddler Spoons" which seem perfect (attached is a link to one) but again can't get them in Ireland or even shipped to Ireland it seems. (Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk won't ship baby items or toys to Ireland)
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B000056W75/ref=ord_cart_shr/105-6052732-0186000?%5Fencoding=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&v=glanceDoes anyone have suggestions for toddler feeding utensils?
Many Thanks in advance......