Author Topic: Need 2-1 nap transition advice AGAIN! LOL!  (Read 2474 times)

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Re: Need 2-1 nap transition advice AGAIN! LOL!
« Reply #15 on: March 21, 2007, 18:19:30 pm »
Thanks for your input on the birthday thing. Owen will probably be an only child too, so I guess that's another factor to consider!

I'm not sure if we're making progress or not. 2 nights ago I thought he'd sleep great, and he sort of did: from 7:30-4:30 am without a peep. But he woke at 4:30 and didn't get back to sleep until 6. He then slept almost another 3 hours after that. I didn't give him a bottle, but finally I did take him out of the crib and held him, which made him go to sleep in about 10 minutes. Should I have done that earlier? Not at all?

Last night should have been a good night too, and it sort of was: he went to bed at 7:30, he cried at 9:30, 11 pm, and 3 am. He went back to sleep quickly with a shush and pat. But that was a lot of crying out! I think it's teeth - he was super cranky all day, and was pulling at his ears. He also woke at 6 am, and didn't fall back to sleep until 6:30. I probably would have gotten him up for the day at 6, but I had a migraine all night and desperately wanted more sleep. DH soothed him in the crib, then went downstairs to make a bottle so I could get some sleep. By the time the bottle was done, LO was back to sleep.

So are we doing good, or do I need to tweak something? Is it just going to take more practice to sleep thru the night? At least last night there wasn't any need to take him out of the crib, and the night before he slept 9 hours without a peep! Are there other things I need to do at this point, or is it just a mater of practice, practice, practice?
Owen, 12/28/05 7 lb 2 oz

Enjoying the toddler years!