She started sleeping thru the night at 13 months and has had a couple of set backs since then but was doing beautifully for the last 6 months or so. I used the BW methods when she was an infant and the last training we went through (6 months ago) I did a version of the gentle removal process with her. I would sit at her door and not make eye contact until she fell asleep. I did this until she did not cry anymore but just layed down and went to sleep. Then I moved into the hallway and when she was used to that, I started to close the door so there was only a crack she could see me thru and then all the way. It worked well but took about 2 weeks for the whole process! I am working on doing that again and right now she will cry for an hour as I sit by her door and wait.
I guess I am just frusterated by having to do this whole thing over again. I know that she knows how to do this and I just don't understand why she has such trouble going to sleep.
I do believe it is SA because when my dh and I went on vacation, we left at 5am before she woke up. So I think she is afraid to go to sleep because she doesn't know if we will be here when she wakes up

. Makes me sad to think she is this afraid and I know it will just take time.
She was taking naps at 12:30pm and waking 2-3 hours after that but I am wondering if I should bump her naptime to 1:30 with the daylight savings time and the fact that she doesn't seem to be tired at 12:30 any more?
Here is her routine:
8-8:30am- wake up
9-10- breakfast and play
10-12- errands, etc.
12-12:30- wind down in her room reading books
12:30-3- naptime
3-6- snack and play or errands
6-7- dinner time
7- bath time
7:30- read books to wind down
8pm- bedtime