Author Topic: 2 years old and like I never trained in the 1st place!  (Read 727 times)

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Offline Tori's Mom

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2 years old and like I never trained in the 1st place!
« on: March 16, 2007, 19:10:39 pm »
My dd is 2 and has always been a bit difficult when it comes to sleeping.  I feel that for the past 2 years all I have done is sleep train and retrain  ::).  She has recently started to fight going to sleep and will cry for an hour before finally giving it up and laying down.  She knows how to put herself down and was doing a beautiful job just a month ago.  We would do the bedtime routine and lay her in her crib and poof she was gone.  Now, She will refuse to kiss us night (the last step in the routine) and when we put her in the crib it is like we are ripping off her arm  ::) :o  She will scream bloody murder for 30 min to an hour and I am at my wits end.  I have been going back in reassuring her and then leaving but she escalates the crying and gets hysterical.  I then will sit by her bedroom door until she goes to sleep where she can see me there.  This does work and was how I trained her about 6 months ago when she reverted back to NW and we did AP for a while.  We did leave her with my parents last week for 4 days and she had a bad stomach virus (got sick after we left  :() so I don't know is she is having some SA along with the developmental stuff.  I just want to nip this in the bud before it gets out of control.  Any suggestions?
Mom to Tori   3/13/05

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Re: 2 years old and like I never trained in the 1st place!
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2007, 19:58:14 pm »
It could be SA, but it could be that her routine needs tweaking because she is growing up.  Alex started to fight bedtime at around 22 months again and I changed her nap, she is fine again now.

Do you think it could be teeth?

If you could post her routine firstly and let us know:  How does she go for naps?  Does she sleep all night and how long has she been doing this for?  What sleep training is she used to?

Offline Tori's Mom

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Re: 2 years old and like I never trained in the 1st place!
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2007, 19:13:36 pm »
She started sleeping thru the night at 13 months and has had a couple of set backs since then but was doing beautifully for the last 6 months or so.  I used the BW methods when she was an infant and the last training we went through (6 months ago) I did a version of the gentle removal process with her.  I would sit at her door and not make eye contact until she fell asleep.  I did this until she did not cry anymore but just layed down and went to sleep.  Then I moved into the hallway and when she was used to that, I started to close the door so there was only a crack she could see me thru and then all the way.  It worked well but took about 2 weeks for the whole process!  I am working on doing that again and right now she will cry for an hour as I sit by her door and wait. 
I guess I am just frusterated by having to do this whole thing over again.  I know that she knows how to do this and I just don't understand why she has such trouble going to sleep. 
I do believe it is SA because when my dh and I went on vacation, we left at 5am before she woke up.  So I think she is afraid to go to sleep because she doesn't know if we will be here when she wakes up  :(.  Makes me sad to think she is this afraid and I know it will just take time.
She was taking naps at 12:30pm and waking 2-3 hours after that but I am wondering if I should bump her naptime to 1:30 with the daylight savings time and the fact that she doesn't seem to be tired at 12:30 any more? 
Here is her routine:
8-8:30am- wake up
9-10- breakfast and play
10-12- errands, etc.
12-12:30- wind down in her room reading books
12:30-3- naptime
3-6- snack and play or errands
6-7- dinner time
7- bath time
7:30- read books to wind down
8pm- bedtime

Mom to Tori   3/13/05