Ugh! Another 20 minute nap after nearly the same amount of time with pat/shh & 1 or 2 PU/PDs. So discouraging! Of course, she has never been a long napper. I certainly hope that changes soon. I'm BEAT.
So our routine (on a good day) is as follows:
6:30/7 am: Wake up & nurse
6:45/7:15-8/8:30 am: Activity time-includes diaper change after long nighttime and who knows what else. I'm usually taking care of breakfast for the toddler so she'll play contently with her feet on the floor or sit in the bouncy with us at the table, etc.
8/8:30 am: Start nap winddown-includes diaper change, saying goodbye to big sister, putting on sleep sack, reading a book, saying goodbye to Mr. Sun, turning on white noise machine and cuddling for a few minutes (typically 2-3). Total duration is usually about 15 minutes.
8:15/8:45 am: Nap. Typically it is only 45 minutes with lots of shh/pat or PU/PD afterward.
Cycle repeats. I usually nurse every 4 hours.
I can't remember what I did with Maia when we did PU/PD. I remember talking with a moderator on the phone and told her that I thought doing PU/PD to extend a nap that she wasn't developmentally ready to extend was cruel. She agreed with me and told me to do what I thought was best for Maia. I think a day later she extended her naps. I'm not sure if it was because of the few days of PU/PD that I did a week or so before hand or if it was because we had just hung blackout curtains...OR if she was actually ready to nap for longer than 45 minutes because she had gotten so good at putting herself to sleep independently.
Anyway, my point to all of that is that I feel like trying to extend these naps is so frustrating for everyone. Not only am I sitting in the bedroom ALL DAY LONG (which soon I will not be able to do because my husband will be back at work) but Lia is getting so hysterical from all of it. I think she needs a break, too. Ugh. I'm rambling. Sorry guys!
So it leaves me at the point of my routine. After the 1st 45 minute nap, I'll either try to extend her to the next feed or throw in the towel after about 15-20 minutes of pat/shh and then wing the rest of the day. I know that isn't super consistent but honestly I'm not sure that doing PU/PD to extend these naps is worth it in the long least not until she is more likely to be ready developmentally OR that she has mastered falling asleep independently. In the meantime it just feels like torture for both of us.
Zoey, I've been thinking about the catnap thing and it just seems counterintuitive that you can have a freebie nap where you don't remain consistent. How do these little ones even know the difference?!? Especially mine who only has catnaps all day long!
Anyway, I'm sure I didn't answer your questions well. After attempting 4 naps already (and it is only 1 pm), I'm so frustrated and tired. I'm going to eat a little bit and try to relax before the next round.
Again, thanks for your help!