So last night I thought that maybe giving Khy a night light might help him to not feel scared during the night. We talked about how the light would be on all night and that he would be able to see mummy's photo better with the light on, I set up a clock radio in his room and showed him how he could get up if the music came on etc and all was good UNTIL 4am
So around that time he started to fuss and woke up, he then called for me, I told him it was still night time and I would see him in the morning, so he called at 4.15am, 4.30am, 4.34am, 4.45am, 5.00am, 5.03am, 5.12am, 5.34am, 5.38am, 5.43am, 5.58am and then at 6.10am I had enough and I went in and lay on his floor he then tried to engage me at 6.15am, 6.20am and then not again till 7.40am.
Soooo I would say that last night was a disaster
In the beginning I went in and asked him what the problem was and I was greeted with silence - he wouldn't say ANYTHING and after about 3 times I just went in and said "it's night time - go to sleep, I'll check on you a bit later.... see you in the morning " but this went on FOREVER
I don't know ! I think that I will just stop the night light as it causes more problems than good
So back to the light on outside his bedroom and I'll just have to stick it out whilst teaching him how to sleep ALL night
OHHHHHH fingers crossed he gets it soon so that I can then start on Sahria
If you have comments, advice or personal experience with this please feel free to comment !