Sami~We're kind of between the two--he absolutely can't make it to 2 hours before his first nap--my attempts to stretch that have usually totally backfired and he wakes after 30 min. But he had recently started being able to go about 2 hours between the rest of his naps, so if I can get the 2 hour nap we're on a 4 hour easy.
Basically, I've been aiming for at least 3.5 hours, 4 if he can make it. Today has been 3.75-4 hours for feeding, but his naps have all been less than an hour--we had to go out this a.m., so got off sch.
So, do you think I should take the paci away now, or wait until we have the routine down really well and see how his sleep is doing at that point? I'm just trying to figure out what order to do all these steps in.
Oh, and I'm pretty sure that he has issues with dairy and possibly soy. I've eliminated them both a couple different weeks in the last month and wasn't sure, but I realized that Tues night was bad and was exactly 24 hours after I'd added some dairy back in--and he's been much harder to settle and more grunting/thrashing around while sleeping--and has been spitting up a ton more, so I'm off dairy again as of today--jsut have to wait for it to clear from our systems, but I hope that some of this is because of that and will fix itself.