I thought I was well past this stage
Well DD who is 3,8yrs has been waking up at 2am (give or take a couple of minutes
She calls out for her daddy
and will not sleep for another couple of hours.
This started on Friday night and my DH took her into our bed and she fella sleep after about 1.5hrs and then she was placed back into her bed. Saturday night, same scenario - calls DH he takes her into our bed. Sunday night she spookily woke at 2am again and I decided to interupt this pattern but she got really angry with me as she wanted her daddy (I wonder why
) and she wasn't having anything of it. Longo story short she got peed off and so did mummy and daddy and no-one was talking to no-one. I settled her and after about 20mins she was calling out again and I spent the rest of the night in front of the TV
crying and with a tummy ache as I was so tense
Anyway, yesterday she came home from pre-school with a temperature and a cold so I dosed her up before she went to bed and half expected her to have a rough night. She again woke at 2am (WTH??
) and my DH proceeded to do what I had done the night before with the addition of medication and a lot more patience
So we are coming up for the 5th night now and I am wondering if this has become habitual n/waking or if she was ill before we knew it and her sleep was affected - although she showed absolutely no symptoms whatsoever.
Any ideas ladies?? I really need to get back to work tomorrow but I also really need my sleep to be any good at all