My son was diagnosed with a serious tree nut allergy at 2 1/2. He ate a walnut, instantly broke out in hives and then had trouble breathing.

The thing you need to remember with this type of allergy is that it builds up in their system every time they are exposed to nuts, so the next reaction can be worse - not to scare you, but just a warning. We read all the labels for Owen's food. We can't give him anything that says "May contain tree nuts" on the label. We also get a newsletter from the food allergy network that gives warnings on certain foods. I'll look up the website for you. It details all the things that have tree nuts in it! When Owen goes to a bday party or someone else's house, we bring his food or a cupcake for bdays. Some of the cake / brownie mixes have tree nuts in them. We also eliminated all tree nuts from our house. How serious is your daughter's allergy? Was she prescribed an epipen. owen has to have an epipen on him at all times. You still can go out to restaurants and ice cream places, you just have to ask what is in things, or at ice cream places, ask them to wash the scoop before serving you I have found that most places are really good about it! Do check about peanuts. Owen can eat peanuts, just not tree nuts. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask or pm me! It's a bit of an adjustment, but once you get in the grove of things, it's not that inconvenient! Erin