Author Topic: Bottle  (Read 696 times)

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Offline Mama G

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« on: March 28, 2007, 20:27:41 pm »
Hi, I'm new to the website but have had the BW book since DS was about 4weeks old.

Just when i think i have one thing sorted, along comes another!!!!

Where do I start????

My DS is now 6.5 months old & on 4-hour EASY. The problem just now is that he is not feeding properly,especially in the morning & it is getting me quite frustrated as this usually determines the routine for the rest of the day.  Whenever i offer him the bottle, he will bat the bottle away.  On average, he takes about 5oz of formula per feed. Here is his ideal routine...

7am  Wakeup, Bottle
8-8.30ish Solids about 2 cube of porridge
9am Nap (usually 1.45-2hours)
11am Bottle (not really interested in it)
12-12.30ish Solids about 2 cubes of fruit
1pm Nap (usually 1.45-2hours)
3pm Bottle
5pm Solids about 2 cubes of veggies
7pm bottle
7.30ish bed
10pm DF but have phased this out

He usually wakes at about 4.30-5am but i think this is more out of habit & he will usually go back to sleep once I give him his paci but i never feed him during these NW as he use to sleep through since he was about 8weeks old However, over the past 2 days, his routine has been

7am wakeup
8.30ish bottle+solids
9-9.30ish nap
1pm bottle+solids
1.30-2pm nap
6pm bottle
7pm bath
7.30 bottle (this is to increase his calorie intake_
no d/f as i thought this was disrupting his morning bottle.

I thought that as he was on 5 bottles a day that it was time to drop the dreamfeed & this for a few days improved his morning feeds.

He seems to be going longer between feeds. If i try to give him his feeds on time, then he will either bat the bottle away & if keep persevering then he'll start to cry. I then leave it for about an hour, & when he starts to fuss a bit i assume it's because he wants his feed, but when i give it to him then he still refuses it. A few times, I've fed him in the first few minutes of his nap to make sure he is getting the calories.Was i right to drop a bottle? should i drop it to 3 bottles?

Another reason is that i think he is constipated & that is why he isn't interested in his bottles? I have been giving him some laxative foods, i.e. apricot, peaches, pear, etc to helphim with that.I am really frustrated about this & I am worried as it's stressing me out & i know it's not his fault.

Any suggestions???