I am doing a very long wind down before each nap and bedtime, I can see she is very tired and sometimes almost asleep, so when I go from hammock to crib she wakes up again (fighing herself back from sleep) and plays there for 30 min. Why is that and how can I help her just fall into deep sleep without making it a prop? Its very weird because it only happens when I am the one who puts her down, when her nanny comes she can put her down without trouble.
Honestly, I haven't had experience with the closest example I can set is this... I read a book to go to sleep everynight. No book, I can't fall asleep. This is my wind down. Once I am nice and drowsy, I switch the lamp off and turn over to sleep. My dh sometimes comes in at that very moment and either come to bed and will wake me right up or start looking for something in the room and will again wake me right up
. It will then take me another 30mins to wind down cause my "buzz" is gone and I have to work at winding down again (which unfortunately at this stage means a few more pages or start counting sheeps
Not sure how relevant this example is but if possible do the wind down in her cot. The hammock maybe use at the start when you are reading her books but you don't want to get her drowsy and then have her in the fully awake mode when she's moved to her cot. Some babies need to still spend some time on their own winding down.
Does the nanny also use a hammock???
Regarding her naps she is still doing 2 naps, the first one 3 hours after she wakes up and she usually sleeps for like 1 hour. The second one is like 4.5 hours after she wakes up from her first nap (because is taking me like 1 hour putting he down just like I explained above). And she sleeps for like 40 min. Her am nap is pretty easy she is always ready for it, the hardest is definitely pm nap.
If you are finding it hard to get a longer pm nap from her, wake her up 45mins into her morning nap. Alot find that if they let los sleep for 1hr, the pm nap will be only a short nap, which then means a long afternoon till bedtime, a tried baby, waking up at night and waking up earlier in the morning!!! Some are just that much more refreshed after 1hr in the morning that they don't even take an afternoon nap. Aim at windown to be finished so that she's in the cot at the 3.5hr mark. What do you actually do for the other hour??? Does she start crying when you leave or is she playing and then finally falls asleep???
I am also wondering about her wake up time, she used to sleep until seven and lately she wakes up between 5:45 and 6.15. How can I go back to 7? What I think might be happening is that she wakes up still tired so she needs a longer am nap. If I can brake this cycle then I could wake her at 45 min and she can have a longer pm nap.
This is something I used to always fight over with myself
. "She's had a bad night".... "She's waking up early in the morning, she then needs to have a longer morning nap to catch up on sleep"... I would definitely not let her sleep in the morning more than 45mins because as you said it... she is making up for the lost sleep by taking a morning nap. Instead try an earlier bedtime so that she is better rested in the morning. Waking up earlier is a sign of overtiredness. This is very very common during the 2-1 transition and to be honest we battled with the 5am wake ups for a very long time.
In fact I've just recently had the same thing occur with dd2. She's not a toddler yet but she's fighting her pm nap and becasue of the time change has been getting overtired when I tried to change her to the new times. For the last week she's been waking up at 5ish - 5.40am was her best so far. I have had a h*ll of a time with her this week but insisted on putting her down for the 1st nap at 9am and not letting her sleep past 9.45am. At first I gave her 6.30pm bedtime (which was her usual) but that backfired big time!!! I gave her a 5pm bedtime 2 nights ago and 5.30pm last night. She's finally getting back on track - yesterday's pm nap was 1hr15mins (which is better than the 30mins she's been doing all week) and today's nap has been 1hr 30mins. So I am all for early bedtime for a few days. Keep her awake till her morning nap and don't let her make up for it by giving her a long morning nap. You might not see results straight away but avoid the cycle....
Two last questions can I still use w2s to extend her pm nap? and Does PU/PD still work for toddlers, could I use it to help her fall asleep so it dozenīt take her that long, even if she is not crying and is laying down. She only cries if I leave her side, but I also think I am a distraction.
Yes, you can try w2s.... it has worked for me in the past extending dd2's naps but I do believe that when they are overtired or when A times are incorrect it might not work... No harm in trying though
Pu/pd is not really recommended for toddlers - its more pd. If she's not crying and is just laying down I wouldn't do anytning. Give her a long wind down in the cot and leave her. You cannot make her fall asleep but you can provide her an environment to sleep in and try to get her in that sleepy state. Unfortunately if she's not crying, don't worry about her. She'll fall asleep and if she's only had a short nap... give her an earlier bedtime. If you suspect that you are a distraction, then start with the other sleep training methods. If she is playing and putting a show on for you and not falling asleep, then I would do pd or wi/wo.
Let me know how it goes