Author Topic: 4 - 5 wks easy questions  (Read 762 times)

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Offline mummyd

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4 - 5 wks easy questions
« on: April 01, 2007, 02:54:19 am »
I have a couple questions about working the day with easy and working around another child.  I'm not sure what to do toward the end of the day.  I will start with my (sort of) easy routine.  My lo is 4 1/2 wks and bf. 

wake - around 730 - 8am bf
the activity/naps and eating for the rest of the day vary (still trying to see what works and what pattern we can get going for naps), eating is about every 2 1/2 - 3 hrs.  I would like to try to feed around 4/6/8pm or even 3/5/7pm or around 4pm and 7pm then bath and to bed.  I have a 2 1/2 yo and trying to also work around his schedule.  He wakes around 7am and has a nap around 1230- 1pm for 1 1/2 - 2 hrs.  We try to have dinner any time from 5:30pm - 6pm and then have 2 1/2 yo in bed by 8pm.  It would be nice to have them both in bed around 8pm and  be able to do both bed time routines on my own as sometimes dh travels so it will be just me.   
Currently I find that between the feed around 4pm and bed time I am not sure what to do with lo.  He seems tired and/or hungry off and on around this time.  It seems a bit hard to read his cues around this time for hungry or tired.  I know a lot of them have a fussy time here.  I am wondering if I should try to get him to nap somewhere between 5 - 7 pm and then wake to feed/bath?  Today he was a grouch from about 6pm - 730.  I tried to feed at 6pm but was too sleepy to take a good feed and so I gave a sponge bath and jammies and tried to feed a bit around 7 but again seemed tired.  So I swaddled and gave paci and put to bed.  He's been sleeping ever since.  I do a df around 1030pm and he seems to wake anywhere from 130 - 2am and again around 430 or 5am.  I REALLY want to get rid of one of the night feeds.  I guess he could be doing the 2 night wakings b/c he's not eating enough during the day b/c he's not sleeping enough and is then too tired during feeds???  Who knows.  I have looked thru the sample schedules for 0 - 3 months but none of them really say if you are waking the lo for the feeds at certain times or if they are doing it on their own.
Any tips are appreciated!!  With the 2 1/2 yo I was sooo frustrated with naps for the first 6 months and I really hope that's not the case this time.