My lo is 4wks old and we've been trying to implement EASY from day 1. However, I am not sure we are following it correctly. Duriing the day we change her diaper as part of A and sometimes have to do it mid-way through a feed b/c she often falls asleep. But at night I was wondering if it would make more sense to change her first, then feed her so she can go right to sleep b/c she does not seem to like it when we change her diaper? She fusses and sometimes cries.
Also, we have been feeding her on demand but waking her during the day if it has been 2-2.5hrs since she last ate. For the most part, she has beens waking to eat every 2hrs. However, we have not been doing a cluster feed. Is a cluster feed necessary at this age? Frankly, I don't really know how to cluster feed given how often she eats.