Author Topic: Babywhisperer Free Exchange Board - Terms, Conditions & Guidelines  (Read 8854 times)

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Offline Gareth - Harvey & Theo's Dad

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  • Location: South Wales, UK
The following Terms & Conditions are in addition to all and any existing conditions that can be viewed on The Charter board.  These Terms & Conditions are subject to change, and we recommend you check regularly for any changes that may affect your use of the Babywhisperer Free Exchange board.

The Babywhisperer Free Exchange board has the express purpose of allowing those members who have items they no longer need or require the option to pass those items along to a willing recipient.

If you use the Babywhisperer Free Exchange board you agree that, Babywhisperer inc., and any subsidiaries or representatives, shall not be held responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as the result of any such dealings.

There is a minimum post count of 50 posts before a member can view & participate on the board.

Once the item you are offering/wanting has been accepted/offered by someone, please delete your post. from the forum.

Absolutely no solicitation or advertising, this is a free exchange board.  Any member considered to be using the board for financial gain will have their accounts suspended or permanently removed, if you would like to advertise on we have very reasonable options available, and you should contact an Admin for further information.

We recommend the following should be considered before offering and accepting any offers on this board.

Once you have received/expressed interest for an item, please move the transaction to Personal Message (PM) it is not advisable to place contact information such as an address or telephone number into a public forum such as this. Members participate AT THEIR OWN RISK, and are fully responsible for any consequences which may arise from giving out their address, telephone number, or other personal information. 

Liability for postage & all postage costs must be agreed beforehand.

Please remember that if you are sending items internationally that additional duties levied by customs and other government bodies may apply.  If you are uncertain be sure to check before entering into an exchange.

A thorough description should be provided, and wherever possible a photograph is recommended.

We recommend that only items in good to excellent condition should be offered.

We will not tolerate any derogatory comments directed towards members regarding items offered or received, if you are not happy with an item, please remember that it was free.  If an item is not what you expected it to be, we recommend that you offer it back to the board or hand it in to a charity organization.

Once the item you are offering has been accepted, please edit your post title to include the text; ****TAKEN**** if you do not know how to do this, please seek advice from a moderator. 
« Last Edit: September 29, 2007, 12:17:20 pm by Diegos Mama »

Harvey - 18 Nov 2003

Theo - 24 Dec 2005