Author Topic: baby wakes at 7am - but is not really hungry til 8am - what should i do??  (Read 3195 times)

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Offline rebecaq

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Sounds like your lo is going through a gwoth spurt too. Have you spoken to your pediatrician to see if maybe she is lactose intolerant? Or has reflux?

I agree that many people, including babies, don't want to eat as soon as they get up. My ds usually eats 1 hour after waking. However, the fact that she is refusing it all day long may be the indication of a bigger problem.

I think you need to find a way to get back to EASY and away from AESY.  She may not be feeding well because she's overtired by the time she's eating. Causing her to not eat well, not sleep well since she's probably waking because of lack of calories.  Also, EASY is going to help you TONS to read her cues. Right now sleep and hunger are fused into the same time of day. So it may be hard to read if she's hungry or sleepy. Slowly start adding a small amount of activity between the time she feeds to the time she goes down to sleep. You can start slowly, reading a story or some cuddling.

Could you try EASY for a few days, without trying to feed her more than she wants, justmaking sure she's getting into a routine and see if it helps the feeds?

- Beca  :-*
Beca - Momma of two Mini Dudes ;D
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Offline rebecaq

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Don't give up hun. Try to put yourself in your baby's booties (lol) for a moment. I also think he's going through a growth spurt and he has no way of telling you how icky he feels, only through whining and crying. Growth spurts can be nasty business and mess with routines, moods and meals for days.

My advice is, cuddle him and just be as leniant with the routine as possible until he starts getting back in better spirits. Shouldn't be too long. Once things calm down then let us know and we'll help help you get him back on track.  :-*

- Beca
Beca - Momma of two Mini Dudes ;D
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Offline lin7604

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i thought growth spurts only last a few days though?  it has been over a week now.  i have never noticed him like this ever during a growth spurt!  he is hardly ever grumpy or whiney, so i'm not used to it. :(

Offline rebecaq

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Well, sometimes they go longer than usual. Is he maybe teething also?
Beca - Momma of two Mini Dudes ;D
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Offline lin7604

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i have no idea what to look for in teething besides the drooling and chewing everything, which he has done since 2 month!  i feel his gums and i don't know what i should feel?  they feel smooth ont he botton but bumpy on the top?