Author Topic: 6 month old nightwaking due to growth spurt?  (Read 6262 times)

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Re: 6 month old nightwaking due to growth spurt?
« Reply #30 on: April 27, 2007, 00:31:50 am »
Why don't you want to go cold turkey with the night feeds?  If she doesn't need it, and I suspect that she doesn't, then it will take some time to teach her to fall back to sleep without being fed.  Pu/pd is not fun.  It will work but you have to be consistant. I found that it was better when DH and I could tag team.
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Re: 6 month old nightwaking due to growth spurt?
« Reply #31 on: April 27, 2007, 00:55:29 am »
hi stheo,

i agree.... i think cold turkey is the way to go with dropping the night feeds, as it sounds like she is now waking habitually for that food. 

*however*, if you would rather, you can try dropping it gradually, 1oz at a time, that you then need to make up sometime the next day.  alternatively, try watering down her bottle - again, so she will be hungrier during the day.

to echo the other ladies... sounds like you've reached a point where pu/pd really is going to be your best option.  it is hard work, for sure, but it should help you crack that short afternoon nap & work through those night wakings.  yes, there will be crying involved, as this is a new way of doing things, and your lo will find it frustrating. 

if you check out the BWSAYP book, at the bottom of p. 239 (the whole section from 237-240 applies to this situation i think) it talks about how to adapt pu/pd for a 6-8 month old who is resisting pu/pd.... tracy talks about making it more of a partnership - hold out your hands to her until she reaches back, and then pick her up.  cradle her horizontally & tell her it's time to go to sleep.  put her down in the crib in this position & hold her firmly & try to prevent her from flailing about until she has calmed down.  once you see signs of self soothing, slide your arms out & maintain a quiet, constant presence.  take a step back if you feel you are too distracting to her.  repeat as often as necessary. 

HTH a little :)
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Re: 6 month old nightwaking due to growth spurt?
« Reply #32 on: April 27, 2007, 01:47:26 am »
i though if they wake at different times a night then it is hunger rather than habit... i think i will start next week with the pupd, i work nights and mother in law keeps her on the weekend and she wont do it if i ask her to....i need to start when I will be home all week to keep it up... thanks for the advice... if i do it for naps and it takes all of naptime then what do i do... she will be overtired for the next nap if she doesn't sleep.

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Re: 6 month old nightwaking due to growth spurt?
« Reply #33 on: April 27, 2007, 09:33:17 am »
Quote (selected)
i thought if they wake at different times a night then it is hunger rather than habit

it is, but from what you describe... she didn't used to wake this much at night, so i think what you are looking at is the effects of the growth spurt, and she is hungrier because she's getting bigger & can handle a little more food, but she's just not getting it during the day yet.  since she seems to be on a solids strike d/t teething, you may be dealing with that for a little while yet, but you can break the habit of eating at night now.

Quote (selected)
if i do it for naps and it takes all of naptime then what do i do... she will be overtired for the next nap if she doesn't sleep.

she will have a shorter than normal A time, and you will put her down sooner for her next nap.  which reminds me.... there is even more stuff on pu/pd here, if you  haven't read it yet:

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