We had amazing success in the last 3 weeks with sleep training my 13 month old DS.

In that time he has gone from waking 3-4 times per night (each time for up to 40 minutes) and having a night-time bottle at approx 2am. Within one week the wakings were fewer and shorter, and by week 2 he had dropped the bottle, and was sleeping throught to 5am and in week 3 we had a complete week of sleeping solidly from 7.30 to 6.30/7.00 with no wake-ups.

We made a few simple changes (bed-time bottle before bath, PD/gradual withdrawal and watering down night-time bottle) I am gratefull for all the tips and advice from the board, and I was about to post my sucess story in the hope that it would help others.
However.......for the last 2 nights things seem to have gotten bad again.

Ist night, was just 2 wake/ups and resettles - no major problem, but last night, he woke 3 times and was awake from 5.15 to 6.00am. I eventually gave him pain med - and he went back to sleep til 8am. I'm not sure if he is teething though, as he wasn't screaming, just a bit grumpy.
My question is, is regression like this common after 3 weeks? how should we handle it? and when should things improve again.
Thanks a lot