Thanks for the info. Yes, 5 a.m. is pretty consistent. Well, okay, last week she slept until 6 a couple of days, and two mornings ago, she slept until 6, so maybe it's not pretty consistent. So do you think I ought to try W2S still?
If so, I saw a primer on that somewhere, so I'll check that out. Anything about it particular to this situation that you think I should know? I want to educate myself before I do anything, as I agree with Tracy and her grandma: "Start as you mean to go on." So far, I've been afraid I'll "give in" and just go back to the paci, so I wanted to be ready.
You say that you used the paci, too. So how did you end up having to deal with the problem later on?
By the way, how long is it fair for me to expect her to stay in the crib in the morning. Currently, she gets to sleep anywhere from 7:15 pm to 7:45 pm. We are trying to make this more consistent, but some nights it's harder than others to get her through her bottle, settled down, etc. And if Dad is trying to get her to sleep, oh goodness, who knows what time she'll settle!
Thanks again!