What are the signs he is showing you that he is ready? Is he fighting the afternoon nap or has it become shorter??? I would start by limiting the morning nap (wake him at say 1hr) to get a longer pm nap out of him. I wouldn't go straight to 1 nap just yet. This might get him overtired. If he is ok to take a long morning nap and you can get a catnap out of him in the afternoon, this can work as well. Then in time you would push that morning nap until you get to midday. I would watch his cues though and if he's not had a good nap or seems tired in late afternoon because you haven't been able to squeeze a catnap in the afternoon then I would do a super early bedtime to avoid NW.
Yes, definitely there will be days when he will need 2 nap (just when you think he's doing ok on 1
). Dd towards the end of the transition had 2 naps 3/7 days until finally she was on 1. But then.... you know some go to 1 nap over a couple of days.... so that might be the case with your ds. Again, a matter of watching your ds and if he is streaming towards ot and nw and short naps then he might not be just yet ready for 1 nap