Author Topic: Anybody just not given their LOs juice at all?  (Read 3083 times)

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Re: Anybody just not given their LOs juice at all?
« Reply #15 on: April 20, 2007, 19:10:50 pm »
It's so funny to me that people offer my four yo DD soda, then look at me incredulously when she says she can't, but she'd sure like some water please.  The neighbor boy was trying to entice her to come over to his house last evening and I heard him whisper to her "But you can have Sprite at MY house"  Naomi, bless her heart, said "No, I can't have Sprite anywhere."  He persisted until she finally came into the bedroom and asked me, somewhat exasperatedly "Mommy, can I have Sprite at Yuji's?" and received the expected negative answer.  Naomi returning to Yuji, very patiently: "Now I checked" she says "Mommy said no and I don't want it anyway...."  It does my heart good when you're doing something right and the babies just sail along happily with you on it, it's too nice.   :D

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Re: Anybody just not given their LOs juice at all?
« Reply #16 on: April 20, 2007, 19:18:52 pm »
Awww...what a good little girl she is! :)

I have the same reaction from my friends whose children can have sugar.  DD didn't even have her own cake for her 1st b-day and I'm perfectly fine with giving her natural forms of sugar..i.e. fruit.  But others give me this look as if I am the new Mommy Dearest.  Thing each his own is how I look at it.  If you want to give your kids sugar or soda then do it but don't judge me for having different standards for my kids...kwim?

It does my heart good when you're doing something right and the babies just sail along happily with you on it, it's too nice.   :D

Good job with your DC!

Ana  :-*

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Re: Anybody just not given their LOs juice at all?
« Reply #17 on: April 21, 2007, 04:08:43 am »
My oldest went to a birthday party last summer and the b-day boys mom told him to grab something to drink and he grabbed a bottle of water.  She looked at my husband and said, "Is he seriously going to drink that?"

?? Why is it freaky that he would pick a bottle of water over a HUGE bottle of pop?  And who gives a bunch of 5 year olds a 600ml bottle of pop??
Mother Duck to A (June/01), J (April/06), my sleeping S (2/Dec/03) and my nameless angels (1/July/04; 2/Nov/04; 13/July/05)

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Re: Anybody just not given their LOs juice at all?
« Reply #18 on: April 21, 2007, 04:48:13 am »
ds is almost 19 mths and has never been given juice by me or DP. He drinks milk or water, and a couple times I have blended fresh banana's, strawberries and blueberries with milk and ice... that is the closest he has been to juice!

I get funny looks all the time because we don't give him juice, and a couple of times where he has picked up one of his cousin's sippy and taken some before I could get it off of him and give him his own cup (which he has never gotten mad about)... my sis has made a couple comments about him not getting juice, and even has laughed when he has gotten one of her children's cups, and waits for me to remove it from him  >:(  (I love her, and she isn't mean, but she thinks it is humorous - she can't believe that he doesn't get sweets)
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Re: Anybody just not given their LOs juice at all?
« Reply #19 on: April 21, 2007, 04:50:28 am »
I give my DS juice very rarely, mostly it is when we are having juice and he sees and asks for it.Its water all the way here

Tara sounds weird about this BD party and pops

Offline Edelweiss

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Re: Anybody just not given their LOs juice at all?
« Reply #20 on: April 22, 2007, 01:59:04 am »
My pediatrican has advised against all juice due to the sugar content. 

Offline TDR'smom

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Re: Anybody just not given their LOs juice at all?
« Reply #21 on: April 22, 2007, 02:00:55 am »
Tyler is almost 2 and only gets water and milk.  An occasional fruit smoothie as a treat.  The only time he would get juice would be at another child's birthday party etc.
