Author Topic: should we punish her or not? Please help with this sleep issue 2.5 yr old.  (Read 3256 times)

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Offline mommy2two

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Everynight our 2.5 yr old makes a game out of bedtime. After my dh reads to her and tucks her in she pops out of her room immediately and about 10 or more times until she finally goes to bed. We just keep taking her back into her room over and over again. Should she get a time out for not staying in bed? We don't know what to do. Is punishment appropriate in this situation? She does not respond to rewards, checking back in on her or anything else we have tried.

Any suggestions?


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I am currently...ongoing...often...pretty much every night...struggling with the same issues...

Have you tried WI/WO? GW? One key thing that I have read/heard/and when you put her back in bed...DON'T talk to her...remain silent. (both you and DH must be on board) Remain as passive as possible, total poker face and put her in bed immediately! You don't want to reinforce her behaviour whatsoever...not negatively or positively...even by getting angry you are giving her some attention...These things worked for us at first (we have MAJOR sleep issues)....and it took someone standing at his door for hours the first few nights! you must be committed!

We have been relasping lately...(weeks now) and I knew we needed to try something new!and tonight I told DS that if he got out of bed that I would close the door (he likes door open to fall asleep)...well he got out of bed (and I'm a firm believer of following through on what I say), so I shut the door. He just lost it! out of bed and tugging at the door (I was right there and said back into bed and mommy will open the door) He screamed/cried YES and ran back to bed. He didn't get out again. He layed in bed another 15 mins and fell asleep!

Now this is the FIRST night I tried this, so I don't know if it will work again. But I just feel like I took some of the control away from him. I don't think he's trying to manipulate me, but I think he doesn't take me seriously that it really is bedtime. I think he's curious and trying to be cute that's for sure....Sorry if you think my method tonight was a little harsh. But I, like you have tried EVERYTHING!

I also know my DS's limits! Good luck (sorry so long!)


Offline mommy2two

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Thanks for the reply. I have been trying to tell my dh we need to do just what you said for weeks now and he just was not on board. Just tonight my dh told her he would take away her favorite stuffed dog if she got out of bed and when he did she flipped out and has stayed in bed since. I disagreed with him and told him I thought that was cruel since the dog is her security blanket item. I read him your reply and he agreed to try the back to bed w/no emotion/poker face tomorrow and continue for however many days it takes. Thanks!


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I personally would not take lovies away...(sounds like my DH too! don't worry) My DS has a lovie and it would probably make things escalate to inconsolable crying rather that a tactic to stay in bed and then I would be even MORE hooped!  ;)

It will take committment on both your parts! but it sounds like he's willing to give it a may take awhile but stick with it! Keep me posted...

Offline mommy2two

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Well she has been out of bed 3x since I posted that she was staying in bed.  I imagine that when we change our game plan tomorrow night it will take several consistant nights in a row to see a change in her behavior.

Offline *Janet*

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Just to let you know. I will be starting this on Saturday as well. So I guess no one is alone.


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Yes it absolutely will! It is not an "easy" fix so to say...I'll be thinking of you and sending you

"stay in bed" vibes.....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*****~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hugs Marie

Offline Lilah'sMommy

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We've been dealing with this for about 4 months now (though things have improved dramatically!)  It's definitely something about the age and testing boundaries, especially at night, because they are so curious about what we're up to (case in point-- when DH works late and it's just me, we have a huge decrease in bedtime battles-- not much is going on if it's only me there!).  What we did was make clear rituals and rules.  We follow our bedtime routine to the letter.  She gets one visit to the potty once she's tucked in(this is a favorite excuse for getting out of bed).  I actually didn't make any rules about getting out of bed, just coming out of her room, and for a long while, she'd open all her drawers and change her pajamas about 100 times. ::)  But that has stopped, too, probably because I didn't make an issue of it.  I also figured out that her bedtime needed to be adjusted-- now she goes down at 8, no earlier, no later.  If it's too early, she isn't tired enough yet; if it's later, she's overtired and has gotten her second wind, and then it could take an hour for her to go to sleep.  I also make sure to get her up by 3 from her afternoon nap, or otherwise we'll have resistance at bedtime because she's not tired yet.

DD's door has always been closed (we live in a small apartment and I've always closed it to cut down on light and noise from the living room), so closing the door wasn't going to be a reasonable consequence.  I may be flogged for saying thsi here, but we put a door-knob cover on her bedroom door so she couldn't open it.  Now that she no longer comes out of her room without asking, it has come off, but we were at the peak of this battle right after DD2 arrived, and I needed to do something so I wasn't chasing her down the hall all night and we could all get some sleep.  I also had to start telling her that she would get only one visit from me or DH after she was tucked in, and then she would need to be in her room alone.  We're finally coming down the other side and bedtime is getting more manageable.  But 2 months ago, with a 2.5-year-old battling bedtime and a one-month-old who would not settle, I was going nuts!  Hang in there, and be consistent with whatever you decide, and things will eventually improve.
wife to Roy, 6-29-01
mom to Lilah, 9-5-04
Iris, 1-8-07
and Eve, 4-9-09

Offline mari

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Do you still have the cot available?  I would be inclined to say that if they can't behave in a big girl bed then you will have to go back into your cot.
I am terrified about trying the big bed, but I think that I will keep the cot there just in case this sort of thing happens to us.  I can't remember this problem with DS.

Offline mommy2two

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Our new baby (5months old) is in the crib, so can't put her back in there. She has been in a twin bed since Oct 2006. I wonder if we are putting her to bed too early. Here is her wake/sleep times:

7ish AM wake
1ish PM nap - wake after 1.5 -1 3/4 hrs sleep
7pm bed (start reading about 6:45pm)


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Honestly don't know about her bedtime "time"...with my DS we played for months with different times and nothing changed....when we established a CONSISTENT extra long wind down routine where nothing varied we began to see changes...but I find it is definitely one step forward, two back....argh...and for us it's been a giant leap BACK lately... :-\ I know my "issues" with DS began for a variety of reasons....just figuring him out one day at a time while dealing with a new baby is a lot of work...Good job...You'll get there! :-*

Offline Fiona (Leah & Kians Mom)

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Cant give you too much advice as I havent moved dd to a bed yet, will do it end of May or beginning of June. Looking at your schedul however, your dd only has about 4.5 hours between nap and bedtime which probably might not be long enough, she could well be able for 5 hours if not more. She has a much longer wake time in the morning, does she settle well or more quickly for naps? I don't let dd nap for longer than an hour and ten mins at the moment and have been on this schedule for at least 5 months now. She is up no later than 2.30 for a 7.30 bedtime and it still takes her at least 40 mins if not an hour to sleep. This could cause a prob for us when we move to a bed :-(


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Sasha has been doing the delaying bedtime for a little while now.she seems to do it for a week then stops.
Her latest trick is to throw her duvet and two stuffed dogs over the bed rail on her bed. ::) ::) ::) ::)

Offline mommy2two

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Yes our daughter goes down very easily for naps. You may be right about the time between nap and bedtime. What is strange to me is that I have many friends with kids the same age as ours who tell me that even if their kid takes a late nap or a 3 hr nap, it does not affect bedtime. We generally always wake our dd after 1.5 hrs or by about 2:30 or 2:45pm. We really want to keep the 7pm bedtime for our own sanity, KWIM?  We do take it day by day and if she does not seem very tired we adjust by about 15 minutes.


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If my DS naps for longer than 1.5 hours LOOK OUT~ I mean every child is an individual for sure...but most I know can't sleep past a certain time, otherwise they're up late late late!

Could you move DD's nap time up an hour? Have lunch around 11:30 and try for a nap at 12?

Otherwise...How's it going? :-*