Ok - here's a best approximation. Nothing is set in stone and I have been responding to how well Rory has slept regarding a get up time so it has had some flexibility.
7.30am get up and bf
8am activity
9am wind down and sleep
10.30am bf
11am activity
12 pm wind down and sleep
1.30pm bf
2pm activity
3pm wind down and sleep
4pm bf
4.30pm activity
5.15pm wnd down and catnap
6pm bf
6.30 activity including bath and bedtime routine
7.30 sleep
9pm dreamfeed breastfeed
11.30pm dreamfeed bottle
So, that's what happens on a good day!
He goes down form ost of his daytime naps really well now and is managing to get to sleep independently within 10 minutes or so of me leaving him. He used to have a paci as a prop but has recently found his thumb so is able self soothe.
![Smiley :)](https://smiley.babywhispererforums.com/Smileys/classic/smiley.gif)
During the day I leave a lullaby cd playing quietly in his room during his naps so that's the ony prop currently. Once he is sleeping however he frequently only lasts 50 minutes to an hour so wakes before his next feed. When he does I've been giving him a chance to get himself off to sleep seeing as he can do it at the beginning of the nap - sometimes he does manage it, other times I'll go in after 10 minutes and try stroking him or giving him his paci - if that doesn't work and we're getting close to the feed I'll leave him watching his mobile with the blind slightly up to let him see it. He is quite content to lie there for the ten minutes or so until it is feed time. His catnap doesn't really work at all and he'll just lie there for the 30 minutes or so until I feed him - that has led to him falling asleep at the breast a bit and I've been putting him down for his snooze after a feed. His bedtimes were getting later because he wasn't managing to get off to sleep and I was then feeding him in the hope the extra calories would get him through the night - if I have fed him immediately before bedtime he has not had the bf dreamfeed, just the bottle... hope this all makes sense.
I had been judging our day based on when Rory naturally woke - so if he woke somewhere in the 6.30 - 7.30 range I would take his feed time as the start of our day and work the rest of the day from there. However I've since read that I should pick a wake up time and stick to it. Would you agree? If so, what would I do if he woke before then. Say I pick 7.30am and he wakes at 6.30. Feeds normally take about 30 mins. Should I be putting him back in his cot for half an hour and then offering him a 7.30am feed as the start of our day?? What about waking around 7am? Count that as the start of the day or what?? This is so confusing!!
In general he is a really content baby and putting on weight well. I'd really appreciate any words of wisdom.