Hi there
My LO is 4 months old and I have implemented a 4 Hour EASY now as she has had health problems so have been unable to introduce any sort of routine. My problem is that she is perfectly able to self soothe, when she decides she wants to, ie: after night feeds, 1st nap of day. My problem is that at other naps she screams in temper and goes ridgid with temper! It gets worse if I use PU/PD, so am laying her on her side doing pat/shh with dummy (her dummy does not put her to sleep, she just sucks it to calm down). Even then she still SCREAMS with temper, but I am persisting as any attempt to comfort her results in more crying (even crying when picked up), so am not doing CIO, she is doing it herself. My question is why is she doing this, I think her naps seemed structured, I think I read her cues on time, so am I doing the right thing, listening to her cry and doing pat/shh as I am then not abandoning her?!? She is my 2nd child but mystifies me!
Here is my routine (today as an example):
E - 7am - 5oz plus Baby Rice
A - 7:30 - 8:45
S - 9-00 - 11:15
E - 11:30
A - 12 - 1:30
S - 1:30 - 3pm
E - 3:30
A - 3:30 - 5:25
S - 5:25 - 6:00
E - 7:20
A- (cuddles with daddy) then bed at 7:45
S- (After a good scream!!!)
Any advice would be appreciated, maybe she is just a baby who cries to wind down?!?