He is never happy when he wakes up (morning or naptimes). I haven't been blessed by a little one that wakes up all smiles and sits to play for a little bit until he calls for me. He always wakes crying. I have a rule that I wait at least 1 minute but no more than 2 to see if he will put himself back to sleep. It is fairly easy to tell when he is going to be able to settle himself and when he won't. I am confident that I am only going in when he truly needs me. I have even tried to put a couple of toys in his crib hoping that he would wake, see them and play for a few minutes by himself. So far I haven't had any luck.
DS currently only has a short 45 minute nap in the morning. I haven't noticed that the length of his morning nap affects the length of his afternoon nap. This is where I am struggling. I was hoping shorter morning naps would mean an earlier afternoon nap and a longer afternoon nap. So far I have only been able to get a maximum one hour out of him in the afternoon. How much day time sleep should they need at this age?
I think the crying before the afternoon nap is mostly overtired. He is pretty good about SA. He plays very independently. In fact he prefers to play without me most of the time, which is nice because I can get some housework done while he is awake. I am slowly trying to put him down earlier and earlier for his afternoon nap to see if that works. I found today that I could get him to sleep earlier but it still took 20 minutes to get him to go down. I just started much earlier than I normally do.
Here was today's routine.
- 5am wake and needed settling
- 5:15-7:30 he woke every 15-20 minutes but settled himself until he decided to get up at 7:30am
- 8am bottle
- 9am-9:30am breakfast (oatmeal, banana and yogurt)
- 10:30am put him in his crib for 1st nap, started wind down at 10:15 (includes sitting on the potty, diaper change and one verse of a lullaby), he played by himself in his crib until 10:45am when he fell asleep
- 11:30am woke from nap (45 minutes)
- 12:00pm bottle
- 1:00pm lunch (roast beef, cottage cheese and avocado)
- 2:45pm started wind down for 2nd nap with aim of having him in crib by 3:00pm, same wind down as morning nap except lots of crying and arching, he finally closed his eyes in my arms after several lullaby versus and was put into the crib at 3:10pm, tried PD but he got more agitated
- 4:05pm woke from nap (55 minutes)
- 4:30pm snack of goldfish crackers and apple juice
- 6:00pm dinner at table with us (pork, veggies, yams and rice)
- 7:00pm sitting on potty, bathtime then bedtime wind down, diaper change, pyjamas, sleep sack, story with quiet music playing, bottle in the dark
- 7:40 into the crib with one lullaby verse
Tonight he did a few minutes of crying before bedtime. This is what I am worried about. He doesn't usually do that, so I am thinking his afternoon antics are carrying over into the evening.
Unfortunately tomorrow and Friday are shot for trying the afternoon nap. We will likely be in the car due to appointments. I will keep trying though. At least when he naps in the car I don't have to fight with him but his naps are not as long.