Well, my little darling has officially dropped her 4am feeding for over a week now. Sometimes we get as many as 8 hours, but most of the time she sleeps 5 hours at night. I'd prefer her to switch to dropping the 1am feeding (because that's usually the one I get), but she seems stuck to dropping the 4am (which is the one dh usually gets). I've had several talks with her on the subject, but it doesn't seem to help.
I tried cluster feeding, but she just resorted to those being "snack" bottles. DF wasn't working so well because she was dead asleep and wouldn't eat. If I woke her up enough to feed, it was just a regular feeding session. This is what finally worked for us...
Somewhere around 8pm, she'll wake up hungry. I'd give her a 4 oz bottle (she usually takes 5). Then, I'd give her a bath which wears her down pretty quickly. Then, I swaddle her up and give her another 2 oz. Sometimes we don't warm her bottles (when she wakes up REALLY hungry), but the 2 oz bottle is always warm. She usually drifts off and I just let her once she gets down to the last 1/2 oz. She'll usually wake again at midnight or 1am, and I give her another 5-6 oz of warm formula. She's typically down until 6:30 or 7am. Yippee!