My DS is 11.5mo and there has been alot of talk about the 2-1 nap switch on my Birth Board, and so it got me to thinking. As most LOs have a short am nap and a long pm nap, should I start to try and switch him now, or just wait till I see the signs that he is ready for the 2-1 nap and do it then.
At the moment he goes down around 9.15 and will sleep for 2hrs+ (I always have to wake him - he has been asleep 2.05hrs right now!!!) and then in the pm I give him a nap of no more than 1hr (3hrs total for the day but usually less).
What I was wondering is, would we just do it the other way round eg push the morning nap back and back till it is around 10.30/11 and then just give a short 30mins in the pm if and when needed?
I have had TERRIBLE sleep problems with my DS in the past, and I would like to be prepared for this next transition....forearmed is forewarned with this LO!
Thanks in advance