Our DS has gone mad!
Our perfect sleeper wont sleep for us anymore...however he will go down for our babysitter!!!! figure that one out!
He has been in his own bed since before he was 1, we havent had a single problem now, at 7.15 when we go to bed he keeps getting out, he will continue to do this till around 10 then eventually give up. He is on 1 nap a day which was lasting 2-2.5 hrs, so i cut it down, a week later he is stil the same. the later he goes to bed the earlier he wakes up! The babysitter can come round and have him and by 7.30 he is fast asleep in bed....why?
Also when I was in hospital he stayed overnight at my friends house and slept 14 hours there...in a travel cot. He has always hated them! I dont really want to go backwards and put his cot back up...what do you suggest?
Here is a typical day...
6-7am wake up
7.15am Breakfast with Milk
8.00 Leave for work/school
12.00 lunch
12.30 finish work (he eats his lunch while we finish at work, i work in his daycare place)
1-3 nap time (although i have been waking him at 2.30)
play time, in the garden, walk the dog, go to the park etc
5pm tea time
after that we have a few toys out and he has daddy time
6.15 bath time
7pm milk and story time (he loves this bit he will be falling asleep but as soon as he goes into bed the madness starts)
7.15 bedtime...thats the plan anyway!
We have been tempted to get the babysitter over to put him to bed!! lol